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Posts posted by Remij

  1. So they're at 9 million already on Xbox and about 60 million on PC.  That's impressive as fuck, god damn.


    There's room enough for 2 or 3 of these kinds of games imo.  Fortnite is on another level though.. they're probably over 150 million across all platforms at this point.. :vince: 

  2. 8 hours ago, Legal US Citizen said:

    Frostbite games have destructible environments, more advanced destruction than anything seen in CP which was relegated to some holes being pierced in a wall and materials breaking off of pillars. In terms of environmental scale who knows how large Anthem is, it looks massive, you're also not factoring in the high levels of vegetation, rocky surfaces which are much more geometrically complex and water simulation. Also most of the geometry in CP is flat and cylindrical shapes, buildings, streets and vehicles are very basic geometry, assets is what should be your keynote. As I noted earlier in another thread the AI and environmental assets are quite limited in scope, its not this lush alive and filled city that its been made out to be by misrepresented media hype, everything about 150+ feet out fades into nothing, empty streets with fade in for environmental assets and AI as you move near.


    In terms of AI routines they don't seem to be anything more advanced than what is taking place in Fort Tarsus or really most open world games with AI, people walking around, standing against walls, conversations taking place, looking at stuff, it's basic and the peak seen is about 75. I think you want this to be more advanced than it actually is, you bought into the pre-gameplay media hype where you and I started disagreeing heavily and now you are running with it. The funny part in all of this is it's diverging more and more from this next-generation personification you believed it to be. By the day CDPR is talking more and more about it, releasing more information, they're already talking about the collector's edition for crying out loud, not giving any wiggle room for camera setup, photo mode etc, they're full blown talking.


    This game is imminent, they've become chatty cathy's about it and are stepping up marketing all over the place. The writing is on the wall for a 2019 release on current generation hardware, development is scalable and you seem to have forgotten that which is ironic given your PC fanaticism and its inherent scalability.




    Frostbite games have destructible environments... but not Anthem..  There's absolutely NOTHING in Anthem even close to the same level as CP..  And when comparing the environments, I was specifically referring to the vegetation and rock formations... Those are instanced and not very computationally expensive compared to the sheer vastness and variety of the objects and textures found in CP.  I didn't buy into the hype more than anyone else did...  What they showed is pretty much what I expected..  The city is massive and dense... and vertical.  This isn't some Novigrad shit... which the consoles struggled with..it's on a completely different level.. and there's no other game I know of with this fidelity at THAT density and scale.


    How exactly is it diverging from what I believed it to be?  CDPR is talking more about it because they are at the point where they HAVE to start talking about it.. lmao.  You're reading more into that because that's what you want to believe.  This was THE FIRST showing of the game... and they're adamant to say that it's not representative of the final product.  They've been going out of their way to say that they are worried that this is what people will think the game looks like.. lmao.  Very likely because it's going to be improved from this point.. as a PC/Next gen title.  This game isn't releasing in 2019.  It's 2020 at the earliest...  You're not seeing PS4 or XO footage at all yet... It's running at 1080p on a GPU many times more powerful...  They haven't even begun optimizing it yet.. and I honestly doubt that PS4/XO versions are even functional at this point... if it was as far along as you say... they'd have shown the game running on the Xbox One X.


    And no... sorry, I haven't forgotten that development is scalable... in fact, when we were arguing about it, I specifically said that if it does release for the PS4/XO consoles then it will be a shell of their initial vision for the game... I don't think CDPR will be willing to sacrifice their vision.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Legal US Citizen said:

    Such as?

    The amount of options you have during gameplay.  Destructible environments.. The incredible open world CITY with WAY more unique geometry than the instanced terrain of Anthem, with tons of AI routines running at any given moment.  Completely seamless world... The visuals.. the sheer density.


    CP2077 is on another level than Anthem during gameplay... In Anthem you have an open world... but with barely any AI..  It looks great graphically.. but it looks like Mass Effect gameplay with Robot suits. You have enemies which will attack and take cover and the basic shit like that.. but it's not going to be involved even close to the same level as CP2077... using the environment to your advantage.










    CP2077 is going to be amazing. :wow2: 

  4. 39 minutes ago, Legal US Citizen said:

    I don't know how people can accept this as current generation without issue yet view Cyberpunk as some mind bending absurdity to even think that, cognitive dissonance if I've ever seen it.

    Because CPU wise CP2077 is doing shit this game could only dream of.. :shrug: 

  5. 4 hours ago, Alphonse said:

    @Remij_ I disable it. People can still post them using their smartphones or browser plugins but they won't show in the emoticon drop down menu. It was the only way to make the OG smiley show first.

    Alright. Hopefully everyone's cool with that, otherwise you could change it back and I'll just deal with it.  I didn't realize it wouldn't be possible to change the order without removing them completely.  Thanks breh

  6. Just now, madmaltese said:

    Well the fact I hate spiders is probably a major part of it lol. 

    They jump at you, slowly crawl on you out of no where (like you look down and they start coming up), there is gigantic ones,etc. 
    It was just the first time I did the level though, after that it was fine. My wife was watching me play the first time though and she has never laughed so hard in her life. I was freaking the fuck out. 

    Oh yea, I think I remember you talking about that before.  Yea I guess if you have certain phobias they do a good job at using them against you. haha

  7. 1 minute ago, madmaltese said:

    I literally started the game, ran around some island with basically zero idea what im doing. Hopped on a ship and sailed for 2 min and was like, fuck this. 

    Yea.. I feel that's what a lot of people have done without giving the game a proper chance.  The fact that the game doesn't hand hold you is just one of the things I love about it.


    People these days just have no patience for anything if they aren't rewarded immediately. 

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