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Everything posted by Remij

  1. It's being delisted because there's licenses which run out and expire... and if they want to create new games using those licenses they're sometimes forced to end the old ones. Shit happens.. but that's what happens when games are built around licenses.
  2. Forza isn't a rehash dumbo.. They build completely huge entirely different open-world environments, new events and modes... every time... the list goes on and on. The point is that the game is about driving/racing... much like sports games are about, you know.. playing the sport... That doesn't change.. because that's the entire point of them. They're similar in that way. But that's where the similarity ends. You can't look at Forza Horizon 5 compared to FH4... and think wow.. they haven't done anything to it... like you can a Madden game. LMAO and t
  3. No. My point is that Forza isn't a story driven game. Forza... like Sports titles, are games you continually go back to... Sony games are one-and-done romps... lmfao. You literally have Sony fuckbois here acting like their games don't even exist anymore after 2 years
  4. No.. it's not an assumption. We already know that Sony is planning a Marvel Sony Cinematic Gaming Universe... LOL you though they bought Insomniac for Ratshit? They're going to be a Marvel wheelhouse.. and you fucking know it
  5. Spider-man is a great game. Spider-man 2 will be a great game. Wolverine I'm sure will also be a great game. Insomniac isn't going to put out a bad game. They have the formula down and can build off it. That's not my point though, as far as what I mean in my quote to Ramza. The point is I see them simply becoming a Marvel game wheelhouse now. That's fine for people who LOVE Marvel shit.. which is of course a lot of people.. but not me.. and I'm sure there's a lot who'd agree with me and Ramza too. I'd prefer Insomniac build new original IPs for Sony.
  6. Yea, sports titles usually do release every year. Sony Cinematic Gaming Universe LMAO you stupid fucks... the entire Cowdom has been praising Insomniac for their insane output... Sony is going to be putting them into overdrive pumping out Spider-man clones using other Marvel characters
  7. LMAO first off.. racing games aren't story driven character games... That's like asking someone how they don't get sick of yearly sports games... People like to play sports games all the time all throughout the year.. These are games you can play whenever... pick up and go, play a match, or in my case... a race or two.. and then stop and play something else... They have "career" modes... which lend themselves well to this type of playing... New iterations bring new tracks, races, events, cars... ect ect... Me playing the shit out of a racing game trying to beat my own times, or playing ag
  8. Bubuu you can look forward to Spiderman 2, 3, and 4.. as well as Wolverine 2 on Sony's machine!
  9. Doubtful. Steam's entire focus right now is building their platform compatibility up with Linux to be independent of Windows in the future. And I don't think Gabe Newell is ready to retire and sell any time soon.
  10. Just bought it. Basically it seems that the biggest issues with the game is that it plays it a bit too safe and doesn't really do anything special. The gist is that "you've played this game before"... But I honestly don't give a shit. I'm down for playing a nice beautiful simple action platformer. One of the issues a few people pointed out though was that the world geometry and collision isn't well done at times. Meaning.. sometimes it looks like you can go here or there, or jump on something, and there's an invisible wall or collision which doesn't match up with i
  11. Oh wait they did say they had performance issues in the 2nd half of the game when there's more Rot characters that follow you around. They played on a GTX1650 though
  12. 82 on Open Critic at the moment. Only 12 reviews though. The most harsh review I saw was 65/100 from PC Gamer. They're really harsh on games sometimes though. But generally, this seems like what I was expecting. Good stuff
  13. There's high quality AAA games, and there's high quality Indie games. As Madmal said it's more about the studio. They're a small team. It's one thing to have the budget/time if a big AAA game, and another to have a massive team to realize an ambitious idea. Kena is definitely a high quality indie game.. ala Ori. It's just got that extra touch of production values over the typical quality indie game.
  14. Yea, I'm thinking around 82 or 83. Hopefully a solid 8/10 game.
  15. The devs are on twitter basically telling people relax, we just held the reviews because we didn't want spoilers out there.
  16. Yea that fight fucked me up too. But I actually held my own for a bit on that one... but in the end couldn't put it away. I'll get my fucking revenge. Still it was cool to have that thing ambush us while we were fighting. It's a mission you get from Viscint too.
  17. Looks awesome. Can't wait for this. God damn too much shit to play
  18. He's dumb as fuck. Try hard motherfucker Like... try to just be yourself He's like the black version of that white guy who tries too hard... can't remember his name. Gimmick ass rappers
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