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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Yea, this is the worst timeline. This one will be a big wait and see for me. Hopefully they can somehow do a good job of it. It's hard to know though what kind of project it is. If they have multiple Silent Hill games in development, it could be that the "real" Silent Hill is being made by a Japanese developer. Hopefully this is just some kind of unique spin-off.
  2. Me too, I hate that shit. I love Winter and Fall the most, but I wouldn't love them as much as I do if there wasn't Spring and Summer to balance them out haha. I'm lucky in that I get 4 solid seasons throughout the year usually... although lately things have been kinda fucked. But yea, I'll take cooler weather anyday. I grew up out on Ski hills, and hiking in the hills/mountains. That's just my element.
  3. First the show the old renderer, and then the new one at almost double the FPS at times. This isn't even the DX12 renderer, but rather engine/architectural improvements to better utilize the CPU/GPU on the current DX11 API. Awesome stuff
  4. 30'C today. Pretty nice. Warm, but not absolutely uncomfortably so. 50'C must have been fucking insane
  5. I'm sure they did.... but that doesn't excuse them targeting him for exactly that reason... they attacked him where he was vulnerable. Yep. I never even knew about it until this past week. They prey on those types of people with easy to target weaknesses.. and from there it's just unrelenting harrassment. Dynamite isn't as bad as people here seem to think. He can be an asshole for sure, but his biggest problem is not being able to empathize with others. I've seen plenty of instances of DynamiteCop throwing out a hand to help people (not only has he done it on thi
  6. I know what you're saying. I don't make a thread for any person who commits suicide of course... but Near was a huge part about something that I personally love, so while this may not affect me like a death in the family, I am actually sad that they took their own life needlessly. That's just the thing.. how relentlessly they were. I just think there's a very clear line between picking on someone, and outright trying to destroy their life.. for fun.
  7. This is exactly it. It's not just a walk away from the screen type thing. Your entire life is online one way or another. Not only that but I stated that they were targeting his family and friends specifically to get to him.. baiting them to kill themselves and doing anything they can to facilitate that. Fucking with their jobs, fucking with their personal lives... Imagine the stress and pressure that would put on you? Being in a constant state of worry for your family and friends. Wondering what's next... It's fucking scary. I never would have though
  8. It's sad dude. We're not kids anymore, we understand how it works.
  9. Near aka Byuu, the creator of bsnes aka Higan, was bullied to death. They committed suicide 2 days ago after leaving a pretty sad twitter thread basically saying they couldn't take the abuse anymore. Apparently some community named KiwiFarms, a group of notorious bullies who are extremely relentless had been going after them, and their friends and family.. doxing them and suicide baiting their friends. They were transgender, and that was another target for that group to latch onto. Man, it's so fucking sad. The emulator they made was by far the most accurate emulator out there,
  10. Uh.. no shit? They've been working on Starfield..
  11. Sony fanboys feeding into their own hype makes them believe Returnal is anything but a mediocre game.
  12. Lmfao I'd take Bethesda zenimax over bluepoint and housemarque any day
  13. It's definitely something to do with it. Perhaps a sequel called AI: Nirvana?
  14. Yea, I absolutely agree on all points. It goes for every discipline.
  15. Oh shit, not even going to lie, I just read the OP after typing all that out and realize you're talking more about the development team side of things. lol my bad... my post still stands though. To that point, I'd say no. Because some of the absolute best people in the fields are from diverse races and also women. Watch a lot of making of's and development videos and you'll see.. Check out Artstations of various developers... oh fuck. I couldn't imagine game development studios being mostly people from the same background, or just a bunch of males... you'd los
  16. Really? I thought it wasn't. Just checked.. no it's not.
  17. Yea, it was very obvious that they aren't going to be releasing GTA6 until the market is there for them to have a huge base already there, but healthy enough that they can produce hardware for the game to sell fast enough as well. That's good though. Take your time, and make something truly extraordinary. And yea, the decision to do that is extremely easy when you have two games which have online components that are constantly raking in easy money.
  18. Diversity is amazing and everyone should welcome it. But forced diversity, when it's glaringly apparent is just insulting. But if I'm honest, I'm not really sure what I feel sometimes. Sometimes I'll hear about some well known character having their race or gender changed, and I won't lie.. sometimes I think.. why do they have to fuck with everything? Why not make new characters which are more diverse? Why try to change what's already there, and potentially disappoint both sides. In those cases sometimes I feel they're just pandering to groups to get sales.., and so
  19. Do what you feel breh. ❤️ Edit// Just check in with the old lady first
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