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Everything posted by Remij

  1. brought his butthurt into this thread because I left him hanging in the other one
  2. Uh, DS on PS5 was completely forgotten lmao... Miles Morales... is a PS4 game... and sold like shit on PS5 😉 And.... Sony's games ARE coming... LMAO Gays Dawn is the first of an entire slate of them sweet cheeks. (Bloodborne among them) Care to go on?
  3. It's probably too late for you to find a wife and have a child And yea, the typical Jehurey-go-round does get boring.. bye
  4. I... have to convince myself... that Game Pass is all there is?
  5. Yes... terrified to say that without adding on some bullshit
  6. Sounds like you're scared to just say Game Pass is awesome.
  7. Yes it is.. because you have NO say in it.. all you can do is be butthurt and defensive and makes posts like that
  8. When you realize Jon and I are laughing at you... together... and NOBODY is rushing in the agree with you... yeah.. It's working Cue Gokousan
  9. Sony was probably hoping all this shit would blow over quickly and because they had BC most devs wouldn't bother updating their games and instead focus on releasing new games... but covid fucked that plan up and devs are releasing updates of their recently released games.. and now all of their issues are being laid out. MS hands down has the better BC and the better implementation design. Sony will weather this storm and it will be old news soon enough though and the focus will be PS5 games.
  10. Despite it being a slap in my face, it will still be best on PC when it releases...
  11. I mean, it's real people.. so they are bound to be more strict. People can find out names and do some sick shit.. But yea, I mean the first 2 are on Steam, and if he's willing to continue to make the game work for Steam, they should work with them. Oh well.. I wasn't going to play this shit anyway lmao
  12. I already told you I was fucking my wife while you were posting last night You want to be fucked too I know
  13. The only reason I can think that he does that (and yes he does) is because he's not used to having nice things often... so when he finally gets something new and nice, he gloats about it. It's a big deal to dude ^look at him losing his shit
  14. I think Steam should allow this game... but nobody gives a fuck that you're so upset about it. The beauty of the PC world is that shit like this can just be put up anywhere and played. If he wants to edit the game to make it safe for release on Steam, and then release an optional mod off Steam that replaces all the scenes with gangbangs... he could do that.
  15. He's been gloating about having an OLED display too like dude... you're not fucking special
  16. ^that's so fucking retarded Can you imagine having to DL both versions of a game so that you can transfer a save That's the difference between one company actually taking BC seriously... and the other half-assing and shoehorning it in as a reaction
  17. He actually DOES think it bothers me that he has a better GPU than me Like as if I haven't had multiple chances to buy a 3090.... just as recently as 2 weeks ago with Carlos on this very forum.... and I basically laughed and told Carlos "fuck that" when I saw what he paid I don't have one... because I don't need one at all right now. Games are behind, being delayed... there's nothing pushing new GPUs... shit is over priced for what it is... so I'm just going to wait for the 3080ti or even the 40 series and be better off
  18. ^ you actually thought this was a funny post Trying so hard to hold the fact that he has a 3090 over my head.. he thinks it actually bothers me that he spent his stimulus money on a GPU
  19. Make some posts mocking you that took 5 seconds ^LOL you were literally typing that post out 5h ago while I was having sex with my wife You're not even married are you? No kids either right? Damn, how old are you again? 40? late 30s? Sounds like instead of a finding a woman you 'married' System Wars because you love this abusive relationship LOL Stockholm Syndrurey
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