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Everything posted by Remij

  1. https://store.steampowered.com/app/813230/ANIMAL_WELL/ This game is apparently published by the company that Dunkey created called Bigmode. https://bigmode.com/ 9/10 - Gamespot 9/10 - IGN 91 - Meta Gonna have to check this out. I read that it's better going in knowing as little as possible.
  2. LOL they were thirsty as fuck for this game
  3. Oh I'm sure this is going to be a massive hit!
  4. Nope. Though admittedly if I did I'd probably turn it on a few times... unlike you with yours And you laugh because you're retarded as fuck. You, Goobs, and Firetard are like those 3 hyenas from The Lion King. Goobs is Shenzi, Firetard is Banzai, and you're Ed
  5. You and the other clowns here constantly talked about how the numbers were likely lower than they were reporting... lmfao And soooo... why did it stagnate? It's not because of some arbitrary limit they hit... They don't have to cut back because of GamePass.... they have to cut back because they fucking suck at managing their studios and making games that people want to play. That is going to harm them just the same regardless of whether it's $70 games on shelves or not.
  6. Should power some incredible looking Nintendo games
  7. 24/7.. lmfao Dude hasn't stopped thinking about Xbox and Phil LOLOL TLHFBR!!! *insert Xbox meme pic*
  8. That guy wrote all that... and missed the root cause of the issue... The games sucked... and were terribly managed/marketed. That's the issue with the gamepass model... MS simply sucks at managing their studios. They don't hit their targets, and they end up sucking (outside a few of them). Starfield should have been a MASSIVE hit for them... but they fucked up. This isn't just a "oh Gamepass cant work" thing... this is an inherent internal issue at Microsoft of terrible management and studio culture. But it is funny to see you act like the subscriber co
  9. Jesus christ... how fucking stupid are they? They say one thing one day, and the opposite the next day. They're truly fucked
  10. It's ok.. I wouldn't use that POS Windows based handheld either
  11. LOL $100B per year isn't enuf to suztain GamePass guiz
  12. Nope... I've called him out often. Called out Xbox for fucking up every time they have. Gamepass isn't the problem here... Studio management is the problem.
  13. LMFAO YOU ARE STUPID AS A MOTHER FUCKER IF YOU THINK 500M SUBS IS NECESSARY...... That's $5B PER MONTH at $10... or $7.5B at $15 per sub... you absolute fucking moron
  14. No.. see I like Phil Spencer because he brought Xbox to PC. I've been pretty clear about that. You see.. that's why you're so god damn retarded. I'm not invested at all in Xbox hardware. The things Phil Spencer does which affect lemmings do not affect me at all. The only person here Phil has actually affected.. is you dude... lmfao living rent free in your head.
  15. Oh... and as if the rest of us don't have powerful PCs that play Xbox AND Playstation games nullifying any reason to ever own them He says WE are the ones obsessed with Phil The endorphin hit this loser gets every time an Xbox layoff or closure hits his tweeder feed is greater than any Playstation game will ever give him.. fucking completely obsessed 24/7 LOLOL *insert oversized Xbox meme here* LOL
  16. I think Hellblade 2 will be good... but regardless, it deserves better marketing and support than what its getting from MS. This could have been a big franchise for them if they would have pushed it to the next level... but here we are. I'm sure it will be a gorgeous experience.. but nothing innovative or boundary pushing.
  17. TwinbladeHBR Probably will have an OLED screen and fix various issues with the current hardware.
  18. The guys actually thinks that you and I think about Xbox more than he does
  19. For the last time you fucking idiot. I game on PC. I buy my games. I'm not subscribed to GamePass. Xbox... JUUUUUUUUUUST LIKE SONY... is nothing but a 3rd party publisher to me.
  20. Yep... that's it. A tweet of an image that we've already seen before... Jesus fucking christ. Some Xbox fans are calling MS out for their complete mishandling of this game and it's marketing. lmao.
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