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Everything posted by Remij

  1. That's complete bullshit. As I told your bitch ass before... you CANNOT find any post of me claiming anything about rumors and leaks that were going around that weren't part of the video. You simply can't... because the only thing I watch was the leaked video That's the kind up bullshit that makes me think less of you... You're trying so fucking hard
  2. Everything I saw was 100% in the game. Dumbosan doesn't seem to understand being hyped for a game for 4+ years. Trying desperately to act like I've always wanted to hate this game Yea sorry that I gave a game that I've been anticipating since I finished the first one a chance to change my mind about it after I saw spoilers, and that I actually played it to form my final opinion on it
  3. 7.5GB of RAM is perfect for what the console will be designed for. 1080p next gen games. 512MB for the OS @1080p, and 7.5GB for games. That means the console can completely swap RAM in 3 sec as compared to 5.4 sec of the Series X. Also, considering MS' push for better texture compression and the fact that it will support Sampler Feedback Streaming where only the texture data for each texel is required to be loaded into memory when needed, means that MS is going to get FAR more out of that 7.5GB than any current gen console lmao. This thing is 100% going to be built around deliv
  4. I watched it to laugh at it... but then it did it's job 100% and convinced me to buy it. Good thing Sony had that SoP
  5. Its all because of that state of play... im sure..
  6. One is a hardware focused company, the other software.. MS doesnt really need a bunch of stores to sell what little hardware they do. If they still had phones and they were very popular it would be different. Surface devices alone aren't enough.
  7. Well I've been telling your ass that it does... and always has
  8. Yea, definitely. Most of it looks the same or very similar to the original trailer, but the NPCs being cut back drastically completely changes the immersion level of the environment. That's definitely due to the consoles being weak as fuck. Like I said, hopefully with the next gen versions they bump that shit back up to what it was supposed to be.
  9. So the trailer is confirmed to be making use of RT and DLSS2.0. I'm guessing then that it's 4K DLSS running with an internal resolution of 1080p. People are saying that it was really smooth and 60-80fps during the preview, so that's pretty good. The game looks awesome. It would look much better though if there were higher settings to reduce the pop-in in some instances, as well as obviously being able to have more NPCs roaming around making it feel more vibrant. If those 2 things can be addressed, this game will look 🔥
  10. Holy shit... the skateboarding around the map framerate and visuals BC
  11. https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/news/cyberpunk-2077-ray-tracing-dlss-geforce-now-screenshots-trailer/ Supports DLSS2.0 as well, as if there was any doubt.
  12. Important to note that it's no longer just RT emissive lighting anymore, they've added RT shadows, AO, and another one I can't remember off the top of my head. So the RT that's in there now is significantly more demanding than what they had before. But yea, I think the consoles in general are going to struggle a bit with the game, or either have some things paired back quite a bit. I still think it's crazy that we haven't seen any console footage of this game ever at this point... so I'm not hopeful for it. Hopefully for the console fans their next gen patches come ou
  13. Yep, this is my feeling as well. I actually think what's there looks really good. I'm loving the designs of things... but the NPC count and vehicle counts on the streets make it feel less lifelike than it should. Consoles have definitely held this game back. Huge reduction of NPCs compared to the original trailer. Hopefully at some point they can add more... maybe when the next gen console versions release they'll update the game to have more NPCs
  14. I should be clear that I don't think it's a bad thing. It's a cool mechanic and I really like how Detroit implemented it.. and this looks awesome as well.
  15. Braindance is the exact same thing as Connor's reconstruction analysis stuff from Detroit: Become Human lol
  16. Basically the hardware accelerated GPU scheduling allows the GPU to better manage and directly access it's video memory, improving latency and performance, especially in minimum and average fps. It also works regardless of API used, so DX12, Vulkan, and OpenGL. There's some nice gains to be had. A lot of games are performing noticeably better for a lot of people. One user posted RDR2 improvements using the Vulkan API with GPU scheduling on with the new driver vs the old driver without it. It's important to note that these gains aren't specifically due to GP
  17. Don't mind me lol I wonder where it will ultimately land?
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