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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. I think we're going to have to wait until E3 2020 to see a real next generation game.
  2. Microsoft just reeks of dumbshits running the show.
  3. They're already blown the fuck out... better watch out though, that anniversary edition.
  4. We're not even sure if Microsoft and Sony are using AMD's solution for ray tracing, and the slide you're looking at covers ray tracing the same NVIDIA is covering it. What are you talking about when you say "real RT"?
  5. Aza's right. We need gameplay, not a cutscene in a small enclosed area. It looks like a notch above Uncharted 4's cutscenes in terms of animation and texture quality on Pro which would match up well with One X's specs.
  6. So you're saying it's a current gen game? Gotcha. /thread
  7. i'm statin' facts ... and I'm pulling your chain. Look man, I get it, you wasted $1200 on your video card just to learn it'll be outdated when the Super line comes around. If I was stupid enough to do the same thing I'd be pretending ray tracing was well worth it too.
  8. Rofl. You're too easy to fuck with. Look at your dumbass getting triggered and posting like Jerry in lines. The funny thing is that you're completely serious. bu bu i was teh first one talkn bout hdr on cocksuckers.net No one gives a shit.
  9. HDR looks great and it's impact is much greater than ray tracing. Let me know when you get a chance to experience HDR in all its glory after you get rid of that 300cd/m2 PosC monitor you have.
  10. You say some dumb shit, but this tops it all. HDR is visually more impressive than ray tracing.
  11. Stopped here because it's retarded. This is how you pull a Wii U.
  12. I think it'll be there too. I haven't read all the interviews and haven't seen anyone talking about it yet. Seems like something Sony would do (not include cross gen play), but they already confirmed cross generation play. With that in mind I think we can safely say that Halo Infinite won't push Scarlett to the limits so that people can play together whether they're on the Xbox One, Xbox One S, Xbox One X or Scarlett in terms of framerates and what not.
  13. Now that I think about it, I don't recall Microsoft talking about cross generation play? I believe when Halo Infinite launches it'll be a single disc for both Xbox One and Scarlett, but will you be able to play with Xbox One users if you're on Scarlett?
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