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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. You can stream from a PS4. What does 5G have to do anything with it? These are all just avenues into streaming content period. Utilizing those avenues and applying in a meaningful manner is completely separate.
  2. 60Hz, IMO, is the best you’re going to get. Any higher refresh rate is going to cost too much.
  3. I remember this “partnership” being established, but I can’t recall it going any further. I’ll have to take a packet capture and see exactly where PS games are being streamed from these days. It used to be AWS. Completely forgot about their “memorandum”.
  4. Flagship phone(s) in general don’t mean shit. It’s all about available bandwidth and latency for a mobile network in the area.
  5. It’s better and I’ve been following ever since it came into fruition. At home it works, but abroad it’s not worth a shit.
  6. Maybe. I bought a PlayStation Vita TV, but with the idea it’d be hacked at some point and it turned out great for my personal use.
  7. My girls. 2 year old (Brown) and 1 year old (White). I love ‘em to death!
  8. Maybe try: It's about time you change your job.
  9. I think he's referring to the cheapest Steam Deck which comes with one of those shitty eMMC NAND flash drives.
  10. Don’t forget industry legend Shuhei Yoshida is now a fellow.
  11. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CqYijBAt5T5/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet
  12. Tacos by far, but I suspect when you say you like burritos more than tacos its beyond the food aspect.
  13. That 130GB of extra space doesn't actually account for much or anything at all considering PS5's games come in smaller packages. Pretty much every game is smaller on PS5 because of the superior hardware-based compression. While Xbox Series X may have more storage, it's very possible that PS5 could hold more games because it utilizes its storage more efficiently. Resident Evil 4 Series L: 67.18GB Resident Evil 4 PS5: 58.4GB The positive about PS5 is that you can get 2TB of additional storage utilizing this same compression technique for $159.99. 2TB on
  14. Disappointing. The smoke gimmick is cringey.
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