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Everything posted by Ike

  1. Check out prices of GameCube games. Those things are ridiculously valuable. Nintendo physical copies always at the very least keep their value.
  2. What the fuck does she expect being around Fox News and the MAGA crowd? Fuck her and this bullshit “rant”.
  3. By the way, these number are only through June 30. So Animal Crossing outsold every single PS4 exclusive in 3 months.
  4. Lakers just need to stop taking 3s
  5. No Lebron or Westbrook tonight. Also, Charles just said Portland is beating Lakers in round 1.
  6. Yes, you love MS and defend them. Xbox has been worthless forever now. They are a terrible software publisher and make terrible games that you defend tooth and nail.
  7. Did I say Xbox? I said you defend MS like your first born which you do, when they are the lowest tier 1st part dev in the business.
  8. Lemji in this thread: defending MS like his first born. Also Lemji: I'm not a lemming at all guys.
  9. Well let's see how the Lakers/Rockets game goes tonight. I hate watching Harden play though. Fucking boring ass basketball when the dude shoots 25+ FTs every game.
  10. It's week one after a 4 month hiatus. I'd cut them a little slack man. Plus, it's not the playoffs yet.
  11. RTX, coming post-launch at some point, maybe? Who cares? 120fps and FTP multiplayer!
  12. The Sony event had every PS5 title show gameplay running on PS5 hardware. How come MS hasn't done that yet?
  13. Lemji triggered that a shitty Sony presentation is better than Xbox's premier reveal event.
  14. It's an MMO, and has been in early access since January of this year. Not bad.
  15. I will say Kudos to Sony for only showing gameplay footage that was captured on PS5 and emphasizing that with each trailer. Unlike MS's show.
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