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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. I'm not African American, I don't subscribe to this afrocentrist verbatim because afrocentrism is retarded. relax hipster Tom, I'm yanking your chain.
  2. Do u have the other one? I don't think I've seen the first.
  3. Enter the Melodrama i still gotta play that. it's still wrapped lol.
  4. No, I don't know why people feel the need to humilate people. TPH is a real scumbag if what he is posting here is true. This isn't funny. He's made it clear he is using this video to blackmail this women. I would say TPH will probably regret this someday, but I doubt he has a conscience. I know this makes for funny systemwars content for you guys. But this is fucked up shit. TPH has no proof that this women was cheating on him. He has no proof of when this video was made. But he is still using it to humilate her, blackmail her, etc. I really hope he has the shit kicked out of him.
  5. No, I don't know why people feel the need to humilate people. TPH is a real scumbag if what he is posting here is true. This isn't funny. He's made it clear he is using this video to blackmail this women. I would say TPH will probably regret this someday, but I doubt he has a conscience. I know this makes for funny systemwars content for you guys. But this is fucked up shit. TPH has no proof that this women was cheating on him. He has no proof of when this video was made. But he is still using it to humilate her, blackmail her, etc. I really hope he has the shit kicked out of him.
  6. Lol word. Though it's happened before to others. Also, the vid could be in a lot more sites he doesn't even know about.
  7. No murder? Fuck, I'm disappointed! j/k Well if this is not a prank, your situation is not the end of the world. You two definitely need to do some talking. Perhaps things are salvageable.
  8. Blackmail her. She's the sister of a good friend of mine. So needless to say I can blackmail the shit out of her. Force her to have 3somes with you
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