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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Why am I not surprised your dumbass is against providing aide to Ukraine You're as shallow as they come.
  2. That crippling debt went through the roof under Trump and has since gone down by Trillions under Biden (down over 1 trillion year 1, on pace for 1.3 trillion this year) and is on pace to be paid down for the first time in 6 years... You didn't know that now did you... Not surprised The infrastructure bill that Biden passed in 10 months was something Trump spoke about every year for 48 months and couldn't even get the ball rolling. "will provide $550 billion for new federal infrastructure investments over the next five years. Roughly a fifth of the pot will be availabl
  3. No it's not irrelevant because it's not like Trump was president decades ago... Its just over a year ago and he is still doing the dumb shit now as he did then... And surprise surprise not a peep from you The legislative bills passed was one tangible aspect that I used... .... compare that to you who is just using buzzwords with no actual substance. Which coincidentally is what Trump did... All talk but when it came time to actually deliver on the legislation... Big dud. And yes, when the bill passed actually benefits every American in the country f
  4. I mentioned Trump because you didn't say a single word in 4 years about all the shit he did and continues to do. And as expected you try to dismiss his behavior while condemning someone else for nothing or much less. If what you posted about Biden bothers you that much, you must have been outraged by Trump... Amirite? The first three videos shows Trump's stupidity of him butchering basic words, slurring his words constantly, his lack of vocabulary or the constant dumb shit he would say daily. Remember when he boasted he passed a cognitive test, you know
  5. Right right that must be it.... That's why you can't post beyond buzz words.. Gotcha.
  6. So you're saying you didn't move All that for Xbox to still be dead last
  7. Lots of buzz words with zero tangible content.. Nice.
  8. Not only was he a fucking idiot, Let's not forget he admitted he wants to fuck his own daughter, partied for years with Epstein and got caught on tape admitting to assaulting women
  9. Ohh you moved to the UK when you made that UK sales thread last month?
  10. Goukosan


    Nah don't believe in QAnon either bro
  11. Goukosan


    It's science, sorry I don't believe in your imagination
  12. That puts its at basically 20 million. What's Series X at?
  13. Goukosan


    When I have said otherwise? It's similar to thinking being gay/bi is natural... All imagination
  14. Goukosan


    Nah I don't subscribe to people's imagination
  15. Goukosan


    Looking forward to pride week?
  16. It's been a few days already...... And it's still not fixed. MS says.. Just wait a few more days LemiJ
  17. Can't even play single player games... This is the future that lemmings want. DRM with no lube, just how the love to bend over and take it up the ass
  18. For someone who supposedly doesn't care about Xbox, LemiJ sure is working OT defending this
  19. Thw tweets are from almost 12hrs ago... This thread was created 4 hrs ago. And yet still... no lemmings noticed they couldn't play games
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