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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. He doesn't have the power to move or undo elections. Also - Trump himself votes by mail.
  2. Yes... he was quoted word for word... he then said don't ask me for link to back up what I posted
  3. Republicans - "It our conclusion based on the FACTS detailed in this committee 's report that this Russian intelligence service assault on the integrity of the 2016 election and Trump and his associates participation in and enabling of this Russian activity represents one the single most grave counterintelligence threats to American national security in the modern era" @Twinblade- Time to move on guys, fake news... nothing to see here
  4. 1) COVID-19 cases aren't anywhere near any sort of substantial decline. Americans are still banned droll flying to tons of countries. 2) The REPUBLICAN LEAD SENATE released this report and concluded in tbe end that their was collision. Here is their closing statement on the report.
  5. You said 50%, then argued against your own point... then tried to DC that you rounded up by 3% when the two things you're comparing are separated by single digits..... talk about Stat padding
  6. If this thread continues Twinblade may lock it because facts were introduced with links as opposed to just spewing talking points with no facts
  7. You should ppdate the thread title to note that it was the republican lead senate
  8. @Ike These are the findings of THE REPUBLICAN LEAD committee. So those right wing nuts can't even say "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbuuut teh libs"
  9. You're rounding up by 3% when comparing two whole numbers that are single digits apart? That's called stat padding and lying
  10. Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbuuut DynamiteCop said that MS would undercut Sony's price because MS is a trillion dollar company
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