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Everything posted by Vini

  1. Because this is the first time you're potentially about to elect a president without full congress behind him in 32 years. Why? Because your far left half commie defund the police green new deal candidates turned off too many voters. This would've been a blue wave if not for the wokes like you with STUNNINGLY terrible ideas
  2. Menatime in case you want to go from vertical to horizontal you have some time to disassemble the stand using the ikea instructions
  3. Damn put a bigger battery in there not all of us have small Japanese hands
  4. Nobody's using any of these generic windows 98 smileys can we get rid of them and just put the old ones up top. I'm tired of scrolling
  5. "we designed the console around cooling". So they made it ugly for no reason lmao
  6. https://dailycaller.com/2020/11/05/2022-house-democrats-concerns-pelosi-caucus-call-election-abigail-spanberger/
  7. Sure did. PA next in a couple hours and they can call it.
  8. Their wording sucks but I think they mean on launch day. Online only store pickup orders That means they are getting a lot more stock than they expected. Good news
  9. Yoo Rudy is coked out of his mind lmao this guy is a trip
  10. Trump completely and utterly failed at a COVID response I said it back in April. But then again his base could've turned on him if he did take the virus seriously anyway. Point is Trump got fucked in the ass by COVID and he backed right into it.
  11. Not even close to a Blue Wave by the way, nor is this a referendum on Trump. It's too close for that Now do you m'fuckers believe me when I say Trump would've easily won if not for COVID?
  12. This is the most logical path at this point
  13. That would be a hilarious outcome because the House chooses president and Senate chooses VP so we'll have a Biden/Pence administration
  14. https://www.bestbuy.com/site/promo/fifa-21 https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0006-CUSA19013_00-FIFAFOOTBALL2021 Retail sales will come and go and you can't get them
  15. You just twisted what I said into some indecipherable woke logic MOST Trump supporters are not racist, some are. Most racists are Trump supporters, because most racists tend to be right wingers. None of this is saying anything. The point is what SJWs did was drove centrists to the right which allowed for someone like a populist Trump to exist in the first place.
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