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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. I’ve never used a Mac. I’m not a fan of the hardware but I’d take a mac over windows 10 for gaming anyday. At least if its anything like iphone you can look forward to updates rather than clenching your ass and wondering what’s going to break this time
  2. Power on a PC or a console makes sense. It allows games to run and look better. On a phone for browsing/watching videos theres a limit ya know and after that it doesnt make much difference. If you play games then that would be a need for power but mobile gaming is awful.
  3. PC running Linux I voted hermit but I hate windows 10 so much that I’d rather not be associated with the unclean side of hermits.
  4. Out of curiosity what do you need that performance for on a smartphone? In the early 2010s performance definitely mattered when phones were a bit underpowered but in recent years we’re at a point now where you don’t really need it for most peoples usage.
  5. Penguin, we demand our own faction dammit.
  6. The fact you have no idea what I meant is exactly the problem with Iphone. I have an Iphone. Its not bad, certainly has some novelties, but it really is all marketing. Its not about the phone it’s about the brand, thats why it has such a cult around it.
  7. Fucking Trump wouldnt even touch them no matter how bad I wanted it I have this duopoly though. I’d love to see all of these companies get a real slapping.
  8. Why do you laugh at all consoles when xbox is owned, when you try to hype up xflop. You cant hide your lemming. xbox is truly the worst console of all time. No other brand went 8 years with 0 AAA exclusives
  9. The difference is PS HAD exclusives. For that generation (when it mattered) you could only play those games on PlayStation. Porting these games now is irrelevant. Sony isn’t trying to sell PS4 anymore. Xflop games where on PC day 1. If you had a PC you didn’t need an xflop. Hell with 0 AAA exclusives you didn’t need an xflop regardless, and nobody gave a fuck about trash like snorza or gears anyway but I digress. I don’t believe that you cant tell the difference between games that are multiplat day 1 and games that get ported years and years later.
  10. Lol jerry. The tech companies completely own the EU and US congress these days. That has been apparent how they keep getting away with their shit and lying to their faces. The US will do nothing because they’re all fat snakes taking bribes and the EU will just throw more fines at them which will still be pocket change to these companies. Apple, Google , Facebook etc will continue to do whatever the hell they want. They spend foo much on lobbying to be touched
  11. Cows are owned because out of your many, many failed predictions, one from 5 years back (wheres the proof?) came true? Hey it’s still a console exclusive 😉 just like elder scrolls. So no ownage denied. Also PC isn’t exclusively an MS system, even on windows MS has little to do with it lets be real its more about steam or epic for example on there, and PC itself is a direct competitor to xflop Xbox sucks so bad that you’re still desperate to try and pull this “MS family” shit. Congrats now you have two shit systems
  12. Spare a thought for the Lemmings who will be celebrating 8 years of drought very soon
  13. You know you’ve been a hypocrite. Everytime you try to argue for xflop you get self-owned because nobody can defend xflop it’s junk with zero redeeming qualities. Stick to PC kid. Xbox weighs down all who defend it.
  14. So care to explain how “TCHBMFAR” as you put it when Uncharted remains a “console exclusive”? Or did console exclusives suddenly not matter once KOTOR got announced. I can’t keep up with all this lemming flip-flopping.
  15. But that could potentially be a long time. I guess when you’ve had no games for 8 years, what’s another year of waiting added onto it right? If “console exclusive” is still a thing (haven’t heard that in a long time) then you need to apologise to the Cows right now for going apeshit when Uncharted and Horizon got ported I also don’t want to see you claiming cows would be owned if Bloodborne got ported either.
  16. Thanks, it would have helped if the full link was posted lol I hate Apple’s closed off walled garden pile of crap but Epic really is such a grubby, greedy company. Tim Sweeny has that used car salesman smell that all the xbox spokespeople had.
  17. What the fuck happened to you? I never thought I would see the legendary Substatic become a filthy lemshit but these past few months I can’t help but notice the MS cum oozing out of your mouth.
  18. Both suck ass. Xbox is a complete non-factor in the console war. At least flops like the 3DO or Atari Jaguar died with dignity, xflop has had an 8 year drought yet clings on like an irritating dingleberry. Microsoft flopped in gaming with xbox and now they will flop in gaming with Windows too.
  19. Oh please as if that would matter if this was on xbox. Could be exclusive for a full year who knows but a number of games are still PS exclusive but lemshits were doing victory dances when they got ported to PC years later. You’re hypocrites. Elder flops isn’t exclusive and sucks ass anyway. Dumbed down My First RPG trash for lemtots and its not even good as an action/adventure game. Theres no excitement, nothing. The whole game is vanilla. Just one bland quest to the next.
  20. Shame, I was hoping Epic would get BTFO. Not an Apple fanboy but Epic has this slimy, sleaziness to them that I haven’t seen since Microsoft.
  21. There we go, “console exclusive” is a thing for Xbox but not PlayStation. Your lemshit is showing.
  22. Pretending lemshits wouldn’t be going crazy for this if it was for xbox and not ps5 Elder Scrolls Thats not exclusive either and the gameplay is as exciting as watching a wet turd dry out in the sun. I still can’t bring myself to finish Skyrim
  23. Thats how PS3 and PS4 started too and look what happened there. The first year of a ps console is traditionally slow and then it delivers back to back bangers for the gen. Meanwhile xflop rushes out a few turds in the first year to sucker in lemshits like you and then they essentially abandon their platform aside from the endless HALOGEARSFORZA rehashes.
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