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Posts posted by Twinblade

  1. https://www.pcgamer.com/games/rpg/fallout-76-hits-an-all-time-player-count-record-on-steam-following-the-fallout-tv-series-on-amazon-and-the-other-games-are-spiking-too/


    Every Fallout game is sky rocketing in popularity. The TLOU games also saw spikes when the show came out.


    Meanwhile I just checked the numbers and there was no relevant spike in Infinite's steam popularity when both seasons of the show came out.


    Do people really care this little about Halo nowadays. How does this IP hold such little power?

  2. 23 hours ago, David P said:

    Territories concessions vs their lives. It's not very complicated. 


    Once again downplaying the cost of this conflict and people suffering at home.  

    oh please, you don’t give a shit for Ukranians’ lives. You literally said yourself ‘who cares about Ukraine’ 


    you’d rather bury your hand in the sand and look the other way as Ukrainians are killed and oppressed while you clutch onto the ridiculous notion that the economy in the west is being crippled because other countries decide to give a few measly percentage points of their defense funds to helping a small nation defends its freedom and sovereignty against one of history’s biggest and most dangerous aggressors :roll: 

  3. 9 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:

    I don't give a shit about handhelds, stopped gaming on them a long time ago but if I was still gaming on them battery life would be extremely important for me and I imagine it's still important for most people. Windows is an achilles heel for these handhelds and I don't think any handheld using windows will be able to compete effectively with Steam or Nintendo. They need to either create a totally specialized Windows OS for handheld gaming devices or just say fuck it and use Linux. Knowing MS they won't do either of these ideas so they are fucked if they go against Nintendo or Steam in this marketplace.


    So you've never actually tried a windows PC handheld before, and are just hating on them because of what you heard steam fanboys say on the internet. Gotcha :Jeff:

  4. 4 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:

    How is your battery life tho' :mjgrin:?


    No shit...the system is more powerful. Obviously the battery life is going to take a hit.


    But they've done enough optimization work since launch that you can run at lower TDPs and steam deck settings and get relatively similar battery life (although there's still more work to be done here).

  5. 7 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:

    A computer and a handheld have completely different requirements. Handhelds need to be optimized for quick use and low battery usage. Something that WIndows is terrible at with all its bloatware, forced updates, and terrible battery optimization. Linux is way better handheld OS than Windows is and it's not even close. It has nothing to do with hating Windows or any of that shit. Windows is good as a general purpose PC OS but it's terrible as a handheld OS. It's why every handheld released so far that uses it ends up being garbage and inferior to the Steam Deck.


    This is nonsense. Its actually quicker to boot into a game from a powered off state on the Ally than it is on the Deck - I posted proof of this in the past. Once you have games installed it takes 0 effort to launch or manage them. You guys need to think for yourselves instead of just following everything rabid steam fanboys say.

  6. 9 hours ago, David P said:

    Just making the point that people in a democracy have different opinions. Polls are just polls. 


    A lot of people also think we should fix our own problems before trying to save the rest of the world. It would be a lot easier to support this if everything at home was going swell. It isn't, not for Americans, not for Canadians, not for Europeans. You have to understand the reality of some people.


    Can you imagine struggling to pay rent and food then seeing that they want to sent another 60 billion in some far off country, a country that isn't officially an ally and doesn't even share history with? 


    And personally my biggest problem is that they just can't win, all they can do is fend off Russia until a treaty of some kind. This war either end with the complete destruction of the current Ukrainian regime after years of grueling warfare that will decimate the male population or a treaty that concedes defeat but preserves them. This is how I see it. I might be wrong but that does not make me a pro Russian tool or whatever. You need to stop with that shit.

    Dude, you literally said the west should just give Ukraine to Russia. You would condemn an entire generation of Ukrainians to summary executions, torture, rape, deportation, re-education camps, and god knows what else all to save a few bucks. Sorry but that’s a shitty opinion to have.

  7. 9 minutes ago, David P said:

    Coming from the eternal virgin who plays every video game releases in a year and still lives with his mother. Lmao.


    If Americans  were to vote on supporting Ukraine there's a chance the majority would vote no. So much for your democratic process. This is what living in a democracy means, people have different opinions and are free to express themselves without fear of being deported for wrong think. 


    You are just an neocon of the worst kind. You're with Ukraine or you're against democracy. Perfectly spoken like someone who does not actually believe in democracy. 


    CNN — 

    Most Americans oppose Congress authorizing additional funding to support Ukraine in its war with Russia, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS, as the public splits over whether the US has already done enough to assist Ukraine.

    Overall, 55% say the US Congress should not authorize additional funding to support Ukraine vs. 45% who say Congress should authorize such funding. And 51% say that the US has already done enough to help Ukraine while 48% say it should do more.


    Thats outdated. U.S. support hit a low last year but the numbers have been trending upward especially as additional funding has been held up in congress.



    Uptick in Percentage of Americans Who Think U.S. Is Not Helping Ukraine Enough

    This is the first time that less than 30% of Americans say the U.S. is doing the right amount to support Ukraine, which was the most common view as recently as June, when 43% held this opinion. Last fall saw a surge in the percentage saying the U.S. was doing too much, though that view has subsided since then.



    Majority Still Favors Supporting Ukraine in Reclaiming Territory

    Fifty-five percent of Americans think the U.S. should continue to support Ukraine in reclaiming its territory, even if that requires prolonged involvement, rather than ending the conflict as quickly as possible, even if that means ceding territory to Russia (43%).



    The only reason the numbers aren't higher is because of MAGA clowns like MTG and Tucker Carlson who are practically on the Kremlin's payroll but still manage to have influence over millions of ignorant republicans.

  8. 2 hours ago, David P said:

    Apples and oranges. Does Russia has design on the entirety of Europe? You think they gonna follow with an invasion of Germany like Germany did to France maybe? Lmao.


    Rofl, we're back to Russian fear mongering like during the cold war American. This is sad. 


    France and the UK was also bound by treaty to declare war against Germany for invading Poland and they did. NATO weren't bound by treaty to protect Ukraine, it's a whole other thing. NATO chose to escalate this conflict with Russia.


    Russia won't attack a NATO country regardless of what happens in Ukraine. End of story. but bu experts says. :D They know exactly what that entails, everyone does.


    Putin doesn't want to start WW3, you think Ukraine is what's holding him to act on his grandiose Michevalian world war plans? :kaz:  This is the dumbest argument ever. 


    Escalating conflict with Russia is what brings us closer to war. I don't care for your dumb backward view of achieving peace by enabling a war to go on. 


    A few bucks? Lol. Worst economy of my life time and I'm approaching forty. 


    If you hate the western ideals of freedom and democracy so much then you should probably just move to Russia. Hell, Aza might even let you be his roommate. Then you can both play shitty obscure games together :D 

    • Haha 1
  9. 40 minutes ago, David P said:

    This is the dumbest argument ever. You're comparing Ukraine/Russia war to WW2? 


    Americans were also extremely reluctant to join in another European conflict. Go read some history books.

    hey genius…what happened when Germany annexed part of Czechoslovakia and the Munich Agreement was signed?Was there long lasting peace in Europe? Or did WW2 break out shortly afterwards?

    I guess you’re the one who needs to open up a history book. it’s baffling that you fail to see the parallels between now and then.  

    helping Ukraine defend itself is actively REDUCING the chances of a wider war from breaking out….and that’s basically what most geopolitical experts believe, as well as the leaders of the Baltic states who have a long, turbulent history with Russia and know exactly what they’re capable of. 

    but hey if you can save a few bucks on your taxes in the short term I guess that’s what important 🙄

  10. 2 hours ago, Playstation Tablet said:

    Even Ukraine reddit is giving up, but Twinblade holds strong.



    a recent poll found that 88% of Ukranians still believe in victory, only down a few percentage points since the failed counteroffensive last year. Nice try though.

  11. 2 hours ago, David P said:

    Another thing, how do you think Isreal should respond to Iran? Direct military invasion of Iran is going to bring peace based on your stupid ass logic, am I right? That's how we deal with tyrants, right? 


    Waging war for peace. Americah, fuck yeah! 

    yeah the world should have just let hitler run through Europe and Africa, and Japan through Asia. I’m sure we would all be living peachy lives right now.

    what the fuck dude :D good thing there werent more people like you around during ww2 or we’d be fucked.

  12. Russia preparing for more war

    China preparing for more war

    North Korea preparing for more war

    Iran preparing for more war



    Useful idiots like david p: bu jus give Russia Ukraine and save my taxpaya dollas so we can have peace :lemming:

  13. 11 minutes ago, David P said:

    Russia isn't suicidal, they won't attack a NATO country directly. That is retarded. That's not even up for debate. If NATO sanctioned Russia for Ukraine, how far do you think would go for an actual ally bound by treaty getting invaded by Russia? Are you fucking stupid?  


    Sending the weapons, paying the salaries of Government officials and the army in Ukraine is not directly supporting the war effort? Huuuh. Without western support this war would have ended in early 2023. Now people like you want to keep grinding this conflict until there's no Ukrainian left to fight. Probably wouldn't mind seeing further escalation. But yeah man, you're one the side of peace! No peace talks with Russia under any circumstance and infinite support for Ukraine!


    You're like a neocon, but one without shares in the military industrial complex. :pavarotti: 


    When was the last time that bending over to dictators result in a lasting peace? We literally have countless examples of the exact OPPOSITE happening throughout history. How can you be this naive?


  14. So I've been mostly positive in regards to Rise of The Ronin, but I just hit the 25 hour mark and its issues are becoming more apparent


    - I recently got to the 2nd map, which is a very neat setting but they just litter it with the same repetitive collectibles and side distractions from the first map. I cleared out most of that first map, but I definitely do not have the desire to go through many more hours of that same stuff again.

    - There is wayyyyy too much loot. Like seriously. At first I thought it was cool especially since it all changes how you look, but every little thing you do in the game seems to 'reward' you with multiple pieces of loot.....but 90% of everything you collect is worse than what you already have equipped, so you spend a lot of time either selling it or disassembling it for materials.

    -The main item you use to heal, Medicinal Pills, can only be found and not purchased. if you're low on those pills when you get to one of the game's many boss fights with no options to replenish them, well then good luck cause you're kind of fucked and will probably need to back out of the mission to collect more.

    - Most of the missions boil down to infiltrating some kind of base or settlement and killing the same few enemies inhabiting those areas.

    -The english voice acting can be pretty weak, even for some of the game's main characters.


    So yeah I can see why this got a lot of 7s.

  15. So im going to try doing a full leg workout at home now that I have enough equipment. The gyms are just too packed nowadays and I'd like to try and simplify my routine a bit. I like leg presses but I don't think I really need them if I focus on barbell squats. I also think RDLs will be a good enough alternative to leg extensions/curls


    So here is what my leg day is going to look like


    Reverse alternating lunges

    Barbell Squats


    Hip Thrusts

    Calf Raises


    I just need to figure out the best way to do calf raises. Should I just stack up a few weight plates and then dip my heels off of the edge while holding dumbbells? 

    edit: the weight plates didn’t work out. Not enough surface area and my feet weren’t level. I think I’m gonna try a small stack of books, that might work.

  16. This attack by Iran against Israel is unprecedented and it might only be just beginning. 


    Apparently the drones are intended to exhaust iron dome and Israel's air defense resources as a whole before Iran follows up with ballistic missiles that will then be harder to shoot down. A classic Russian tactic in fact.


    And how exactly could this happen? How could Iran be so emboldened to make a move like this?


    The answer is obvious, and it all comes down to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.


    The west and our allies are being tested, and we are failing that test by being weak and not doing more to let Ukraine resist Russia, who is now forming alliances with our enemies like Iran and making them more powerful and bold.


    Weakness only results in more weakness. Clowns on this forum think letting dictatorships do whatever they want is how you avoid WW3, when in fact its speeding us along towards it.


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