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Everything posted by Casual

  1. Yeah. Even Rares bad games were great. Honestly I could have made arguments for a handful more to be on the list. I agree that PD is probably just a better goldeneye. For me it was mostly the time period, by the time PD came out i was sucked into other mp games whereas goldeneye was a staple with friends when it was fresh.
  2. the goat honestly. I’ve never been able to get into another mp shooter the way I got into CS 1.5/6. Best pure mechanics In any game. Hahaha, yeah, absolute time sink. There was always something to do and the gameplay loops were all just so satisfying. Game changed so much over the years to and stayed fresh. They basically revamped the entire end game with runewords and synergies years after release. Blizzard used to have the goat post release support. Hell yeah. Me and my buddy would do the same thing except we only had the one pc so one of us we’d swap playing n64 or
  3. Yeah would love to see some more . It was fun to put together even if it’s not perfect, I already would flip a couple of placements but I’m relatively happy with the general order. I’m sure in 5 years it’ll be different again. Lol, basically. I’m sitting around monitoring emails/making sure I appear online.
  4. Yeah DKC2 is just a personal favourite for me honestly. One of the first games I can remember just being obsessed with. agreed 100% on the scores, 9.7 or up back then held more weight than a 10 does nowadays. Blizzard didn’t go quite as downhill as Rare but shame what happened to both. I think rare could have done a bit better if their bread and butter genre didn’t basically disappear.
  5. Thank god for that. You kept me in suspense, had no idea which was it was gonna sway you.
  6. Christ. It’s been that long. Sometimes I forget that I’ve been posting on some offshoot of GS SW/The Lounge for over half my life
  7. man im pretty sure i did one of these back on TGZ. I gotta try and dig it up and see how it compares lol.
  8. #2 Counter Strike (1.5/1.6) An FPS/Competitive game that will never be topped to me. Counter Strike defines shooters and competitive gaming, de_dust2 is still fun to play 20 years and 3 games after the fact. I specify 1.5/1.6 cause that's the ones I spent most time with, but while I prefer some variations of CS to the others, any of them could take this spot. 1.5 was my first exposure to the game, my buddy from school brought a burnt copy over and an old video card that I stuck in my parents PC so that it could run it. I couldn't even play online at that poi
  9. Good timing. I actually fucked up here. 15 was supposed to be a different game but i fucked up at some point moving stuff around, so SMW gets pushed back to 16 (and everything else behind it pushed back one). #15 Super Smash Bros. Melee Never been a fighting game guy, as you can tell. Smash was my jam though. I got this game for Christmas with my Gamecube and it basically stayed in rotation for the entire lifecycle...the only disc ive ever work out to the point that it became unreadable. We had a solid crew of 5-6 people on m
  10. #6 Dark Souls FROM could have easily just made a more polished version of Demon’s Souls and probably seen what would have been considered lots of success. Instead they basically perfected most of what made Demon’s Soul great, and stuck it into one of the greatest achievements in world design that gaming has ever seen. I debated between this and Bloodborne but for me I think I prefer the variety in character creation/gameplay style available in Dark Souls. Being first is also a big factor. The amount of weapons and the impact they have on how you approach the
  11. Blizzard and stealing months of my life, name a more iconic duo.
  12. #9 Banjo Kazooie My favourite N64 game. To this day I still love everything about this game. Bar none the absolute best hub world in gaming...going into a new area of it, wondering what kind of level it was going to hold, finding the secrets, all of it was just such a fun experience Characters, music, level design, dialogue, difficulty, it was Rare in their prime imo. I know it's a collectathon, but it was a collectathon before collectathons became bloated and overdone (ie. Banjo Tooie). Every level in this game is ingrained in my memory and it's hard to eve
  13. Tbh I wanted my top 10 especially to represent games that were my favourites, i tried not to be blinded to much by objectivity. Not to say they're not great, but i think most people will think there should be more games from the 10-20 range up top.
  14. Which one is hurting you most this time?
  15. lmao, im looking at my top 9 right now trying to figure out which will piss people off the most
  16. Since I got the people all riled up, let's get into it. #19 Chrono Trigger Is it the greatest JRPG of all time? You'll have to keep reading to find out, but it's definitely up there. The SNES had some absolute bangers come out late in its lifecycle and this is one of them. A nearly perfect game in my opinion, and before most JRPGs really started to feel bloated for the sake of a long story. This one comes in nicely between the 20-30 hour mark and is one of the most perfectly paced games I've ever played. Even if this game took place entirely in t
  17. They're the best 19 games of all time.
  18. Hipster souls fans Theres better souls games to be had.
  19. #29 Mario Tennis N64 was the peak of the Mario sports games and this was the best of them imo. I wasn't a tennis fan by any means but the gameplay loop in this was perfect. Solid variety of courts and characters that all had a noticeable but not gamechanging impact on the matches and enough depth to the (very responsive) gameplay to keep me around for a while. Shame that they haven't been able to produce any good Mario sports games in the last few gens. #28 Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask The Ze
  20. One of the nicest surprise games I’ve had this gen tbh. I gotta start working through the Kiwami games soon.
  21. #34 The Last of Us Can't say I'm a fan of most of Naughty Dog's recent output. This game didn't even really pique my interest before it came out, mostly because I thought the Uncharted games were pretty subpar. To me though this is where ND found a balance between a story driven experience but with compelling gameplay. The stealth mechanics and RE-ish limited ammo kept the combat tense and engaging for me. I'm a sucker for a post-apocalyptic story and while this isn't quite The Stand, it's still serviceable and they did a great job of capturing an atmospher
  22. My man. I definitely had that in the rotation at the time. Actually it was probably that and Retronauts since Giant Bombcast wasn't even a thing.
  23. yuck. one of those is on here. miss me with that blasphemous retro donkey kong talk. and twin snakes? shit ain't even in my top 10000 (neither is any other MGS besides 1). there will be a kart racer but it won't be mario kart. pikmin i actually kinda forgot about, it'd be a borderline honorable mention maybe. wind waker is a bottom tier zelda that might make my worst of all time. ff6 is dope.
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