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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Delita

  1. Caring about video game spoilers in 2020. LUIS SERA DIES. TCHBR
  2. The twist is she’s a transgender and was born a man, therefore making Ellie actually straight all along
  3. Flop. 3/4 were given away in a promotion or bought for 50 cents in a steam sale
  4. Shaddap with that Science fiction talk. Speak AMERICAN.
  5. in my 20s I used to drink 2 monster or rockstar energy drinks a day and smoked a pack a day. If I tried that now I’d probably be dead in a year. Smoking also gives me gives me serious acid reflux and heartburn now a days. heck I used to get shitfaced drunk back to back to back in my 20s and woke up feeling refreshed. Now I have hangovers that last 3 days. Your 30s are still solid, but the deterioration is there and it gets worse. I’d say your late 20s is where things start sliding downhill
  6. Saw Extraction that just dropped on Netflix yesterday. its 2 hours of gun porn and John wick/the raid style fights. But it was entertaining. It has Chris hemsworth who plays in the Thor movies and it’s by the Avengers director. Theres a 10 min scene that’s a one take where it’s a car chase that’s incredible.
  7. No. It just helps several people with controlling their weight as the nicotine and putting stuff in your mouth prevents snacking out and eating. Most people who quit turn to eating and balloon in weight quickly as they substitute smoking with eating snacks. It just means he’s be even fatter if he didn’t smoke
  8. His sister, potentially new Supreme leader of North Korea
  9. It has to do with genetics too. I used to know a guy in my 20s who was my age who drank and smoke a shitload and had a stroke one day which surprised the fuck out of me because I thought he was way too young to get one. Guess not
  10. He was 5 foot 7, 300lbs. That’s fat af. His body mass index was 45 which is massively obese. I think that’s probably true about smoking when you have no other issues. But when you smoke as much as he did which has been reported and your that fat, your way more prone to get a heart attack. Heck I’m in pretty damn good shape but stopped smoking/vaping in my early 30s after I started getting bizarre heart palpitations
  11. Not at all. That would be 20s. It’s why professional athletes decline and retire in their 30s. And we’re talking about guys who keep themselves in the best shape possible. This dude was morbidly obese and smoked like a chimney
  12. I will watch Rocketman while eating KFC and chocolate cake today in his honor
  13. Seen a bittersweet life, lady vengeance and JSA. I was actually going to watch time to hunt today
  14. Yeah I was going to say I honestly don’t notice any difference between barret. With his personality or his relationship with Marlene. It’s completely faithful to the original
  15. Looks like the next Brazilian ass shaking banger
  16. Since I know this forum has fans looking forward to the sleeper hit if 2020 FIRE
  17. Or how about Cloud having skinny arms yet being able to be wield a 6 foot sword that’s 200lbs. Ridiculous. I really hope someone got fired for that complete oversight.
  18. I’m sure it is but it’s always been those games that I would play someday but have never gotten to
  19. I personally have never played it surprisingly
  20. Wow I never would have guessed I think that’s still the only rpg made by Square enix USA
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