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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. She's nothing like either of those 2. They are dino's. Sinema used to be progressive but she's been bought out. Tulsi promote progressive agendas like universal healthcare and free college, and higher wages
  2. whats that? She spoke at cpac? i don't really blame her. She's been left politically homeless after what the DNC did to her. If she can promote good progressive ideas to the right then its a win.
  3. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2022/02/25/lockdowns-not-necessary-defensible-says-head-inquiry-swedens/
  4. I listed a doctor that lied about their credentials? Who? Proof?
  5. Do you actually want to play games on it? Or do you just want to see what games it can barely play for few minutes and then move on to the next one?
  6. My agenda is truth. My agenda is having our news media and governments tell us the truth. Wow crazy!
  7. Jehurey. Simple question. Is it possible it came from a lab?
  8. So we could honestly say the same thing about you but in reverse. Except I have never praised Trump. I am not right wing, hold no right wing views. I am left leaning libertarian. If that's a Nazi then Ok I'm a Nazi. But you, instead of agreeing with me decide to make it a your side my side issue. She's a fucking rich dumbass white woman who has never worked a day in her life. She doesn't care about you, she doesn't care about the left. She cares about herself. That's it.
  9. I'm not saying it didn't originally come from a bat cave. Obviously that would be a logical source for a coronavirus. The issue is was it manipulated in a lab and then accidentally released? The odds of a completely natural origin with a Moderna patented DNA sequence on the cleavage site is a 1 in 3 trillion chance. Do you get it now jehurey? 1 in 3,000,000,000,000 chance.
  10. My act? Oh so you didn't find Joy Behar's remarks absolutely disgusting? She's worried about vacation plans while people are fucking dying? Yeah Ok. My act? What about yours you fucking tool? You are disgusting.
  11. You are insufferable. This new report suggests that there is a one-in-three trillion chance Moderna’s sequence randomly showed up via natural evolution, at the very least “is highly unusual and requires further investigations.” The sequence Moderna patented is part of a gene known as MSHE and is involved in how damaged cells repair themselves. It is a possible target for cancer therapies. Twelve of the 19 amino acids are in SARS-CoV-2’s furin cleavage site, with the remaining seven matching nucleotides in a part of the genome nearby. The researchers suggest that this matchin
  12. I think you're missing the point. They are simply explaining that it is very unlikely something like this could happen naturally. To have a unique patented DNA sequence appear in a virus that was not manipulated in a lab is a 1 in a multi trillion event. But you do you jehurey. It came 100% from nature, yup you're right. Not sure why you can't accept other possibilities.
  13. A BLAST search revealed that a 19 nucleotide portion of the SARS.Cov2 genome encompassing the furing cleavage site is a 100% complementary match to a codon-optimized proprietary sequence that is the reverse complement of the human mutS homolog (MSH3). The reverse complement sequence present in SARS-CoV-2 may occur randomly but other possibilities must be considered. Recombination in an intermediate host is an unlikely explanation. Single stranded RNA viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 utilize negative strand RNA templates in infected cells, which might lead through copy choice recombination with a neg
  14. "Russia is now a pariah in the world. Who is going to trade with them now? " "There is going to be a massive re arming of European countries now. Way to go russia. The long term will not be good for you. " "Anonymous should crash their internet " 3 of my posts on the first page of this thread @jehurey
  15. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fviro.2022.834808/full https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7744920/ More evidence the virus was manipulated in a lab. Containing a patented DNA sequence of Moderna (2016). Apparently the odds of this happening are 1 in a factor of trillions. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10542309/Fresh-lab-leak-fears-study-finds-genetic-code-Covids-spike-protein-linked-Moderna-patent.html So far no major news has reported in this except for the lol daily mail.
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