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Everything posted by Cooke

  1. Paedophilia is fucking disgusting. This movement to add these people to LGBT is fucking repulsive and wrong.
  2. Where was all the Russia conspiracy proof? Where's the pee tape? Wheres any of that shit "the alt left" believed in?
  3. So you don't believe Hunter Biden wasn't up to shady shit and his daddy didn't cover for him? This is all fake right ?
  4. He's probably the best country singer
  5. It's so easy to miss hit touch screen buttons when playing games. It's always going to be terrible unless they have some sort of squishy screen with feedback
  6. https://nypost.com/2020/10/15/deconstructing-twitters-excuses-for-suppressing-posts-hunter-biden-scoops/
  7. I said supposed to.. its kind of a given now. Do you want supreme court justices spouting their opinions on sitting presidents? they are SUPPOSED to be unbiased.
  8. Its not a law. But they should be seen as being unbiased. Do you not agree?
  9. https://apelbaum.wordpress.com/2020/10/15/hunter-biden-laptop-images-are-authentic/ Hunter Biden Laptop Images Are Authentic
  10. Who should vet it? If the New York Post vets it you won't believe it.
  11. Vetting is the process of performing a background check on someone before offering them employment, conferring an award, or doing fact-checking prior to making any decision. In addition, in intelligence gathering, assets are vetted to determine their usefulness.[1 The dispute is not over the meaning of the word vetting gouk.
  12. WHO DOES THE VETTING? what does vetting mean to you? Someone biased can do the vetting and then its unreliable. what makes the vetting reliable and who gets to decide that it is???
  13. lol thats actually pretty funny. And also true, the justices are supposed to not have public opinions on sitting presidents.
  14. explain alt right to us. You seem to blanket use the word like people use racist and nazi.
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