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Playstation Classic IGN review - 7.5

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4 minutes ago, madmaltese said:


' which pay me a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per year.  I'm not used to working.'




Classic Warren Buffet you truly are.  Living the high life that you have to worry about where you put a $100 here or there. 






Going into my post history to try to stalk me and my finances. :leo:Because not like I'd lie about how much it is per year to not make people freak out and view me differently on the forums, right?

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Not too bad I guess  + Looks good   -

most of those aren't even included in this, but nice job watching the video

And that has nothing to do with the product this thread is about. Clown. 

1 minute ago, SheepKilla said:

Going into my post history to try to stalk me and my finances. :leo:Because not like I'd lie about how much it is per year to not make people freak out and view me differently on the forums, right?

Is that what this is? Pretend like $100 is so valuable so people don't freak out and view you differently on the forums? :hest:

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4 minutes ago, SheepKilla said:


Warren Buffett and Bill Gates are still eating at McDonalds to save money, but I'm gonna put on airs and pretend I'm too good to save money smartly  :hest: 


"The “Oracle of Omaha” Warren Buffett tailors his breakfast order according to how the market is doing that day, according to the HBO documentary “Becoming Warren Buffett.” If the market’s down, Buffett opts for the $2.95 sausage McMuffin instead of the $3.17 bacon egg and cheese biscuit"



Enjoy that mortgage for the new GTX, RemiPee

Funny thing is that I don't give a shit what Warren Buffet and Bill Gates do with their money ffs... :mj: 


People can save money, make more money, and enjoy spending their money more than you...  None of those things rules out the other.  


And keep worrying about me and my mortgage... I know it makes you feel better thinking that I MUST be struggling because I bought an expensive graphics card :pavarotti: 

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Just now, Remij_ said:

Funny thing is that I don't give a shit what Warren Buffet and Bill Gates do with their money ffs... :mj: 


People can save money, make more money, and enjoy spending their money more than you...  None of those things rules out the other.  


And keep worrying about me and my mortgage... I know it makes you feel better thinking that I MUST be struggling because I bought an expensive graphics card :pavarotti: 


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On 2018-11-27 at 10:34 AM, McWickedSmawt85 said:

Games are fine.  It's shit emulation + shit controller.  I have no idea why Sony didn't just slap some bluetooth in that shit and just let you use your PS4 controller.

Why? It is suppose to retain the original console look.     PSX didn't have bluetooth.  I'm glad they didn't include the analog controller, because that wasn't standard until very late in the console's life. 


I found a lot people online bitching about it's games not being their personal favorite to be down right stupid.  None of these classics consoles released have had everyone's personal favorite which is why those of us who are smart won't waste our time bitch and whining and simply just soft mod our device and add our own roms/isos.    I did it to my SNES classic, made it 100% better than it already was. 


PS: Only thing I would change about PS Classic interface used would be that I would have based it on the interactive sampler demos they used to include with the console back then. 



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So Tekken 3 is the PAL version, which runs slower because it was meant to run on 50Hz televisions?


That's just not acceptable.


The bombcast crew speculated that maybe they chose PAL versions for certain games because the hardware wouldn't be able to properly replicate the performance fo the 60Hz versions.  That's just speculation, but if that's the case, then this is not going to be useful, not even for modding.

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1 minute ago, jehurey said:

So Tekken 3 is the PAL version, which runs slower because it was meant to run on 50Hz televisions?


That's just not acceptable.


The bombcast crew speculated that maybe they chose PAL versions for certain games because the hardware wouldn't be able to properly replicate the performance fo the 60Hz versions.  That's just speculation, but if that's the case, then this is not going to be useful, not even for modding.

That's why I'm saying the real value here is in the PS1-shaped shell.  Then again you could probably just grab an actual PS1 and mod that, sooo... :] 

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2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

So Tekken 3 is the PAL version, which runs slower because it was meant to run on 50Hz televisions?


That's just not acceptable.


The bombcast crew speculated that maybe they chose PAL versions for certain games because the hardware wouldn't be able to properly replicate the performance fo the 60Hz versions.  That's just speculation, but if that's the case, then this is not going to be useful, not even for modding.

If that's the case modding it to add a NTSC version Tekken iso seems like a simple solution. 

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