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Lost 15 kilos (40 pounds)

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2 minutes ago, SheepKilla said:

This is proof you have no clue about anything. 


Scientific studies empirically show that fat has LEAST effect on feeling full, than even PROTEINS ! let alone fiber ! 





Is this a joke? Go eat the same amount of calories in chicken breast or protein powder, then go eat the same in fat and see how long you last. 


Protein partly turns into glucose, especially in high amounts, giving Insulin spikes and hunger. Fat cannot utnr into glucose. 

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LMFAO he literally eats meat with an entire stick of butter   

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1 minute ago, ghostz said:

That is a fact, please disprove it. 

It is a fact, you're missing the point. You can optimize results from better understanding of dietary functions.


And by the way, eating less calories to lose weight is not a healthy lifestyle. It means your body is literally starving, you can lose weight and still get adequate amount of calories.


No shit, someone who eats 300 calories a day will lose weight and eventually look like a malnourished Kokujin. Duh.

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3 minutes ago, Ramza said:

:D Fats usually come attached to animal proteins... genius. No one is arguing about taking a spoon of olive oil and shit.


Although I think I've seen Aza says he eat butter? Lmfao. 

I'll explain this. 


If your fat intake falls below 60 percent then protein turns to sugar/glucose. So if you eat something that's basically pure protein like liver or chicken breast, you need to hit your fat needs with something. If you don't eat the butter the protein from a chicken breast turns to glucose.


Protein isn't a sugar or glucose, but your body has the function of being able to turn it into glucose. 

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Just now, Team 2019 said:

I don't have a bias or a side here. Its not my fault the high fiber, eat 6 times a day mantra is dogshit in 2018.


Fuck I'd be a pure fruitarian of the whole thing actually worked or made sense. 

"Processed meat consumption has also been strogly linked to a higher risk of stomach cancer.""


People with high cholesterol may have a higher risk of certain conditions and diseases such as atherosclerosis, stroke, and heart attack. Butter is high in calories and fat, so people should eat it in moderation or replace it with healthy unsaturated fas.


A simple, 5 second google search shows what a brilliant idea your diet is :mickeyj:

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6 minutes ago, -GD- said:

i'd be curious to see the people here who are pro if/keto and the people who follow the "tried and true" methods. i bet the latter of the two look better. 

I'm of the latter and my body is very similar to yours more or less. 

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2 minutes ago, SheepKilla said:

"Processed meat consumption has also been strogly linked to a higher risk of stomach cancer.""


People with high cholesterol may have a higher risk of certain conditions and diseases such as atherosclerosis, stroke, and heart attack. Butter is high in calories and fat, so people should eat it in moderation or replace it with healthy unsaturated fas.


A simple, 5 second google search shows what a brilliant idea your diet is :mickeyj:

The 70s called. The high cholesterol myth has been debunked so many times its not funny. 


Let me remind you, testesterone, your brain and every cell of your body is made out of cholesterol. 

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2 minutes ago, SheepKilla said:

"Processed meat consumption has also been strogly linked to a higher risk of stomach cancer.""


People with high cholesterol may have a higher risk of certain conditions and diseases such as atherosclerosis, stroke, and heart attack. Butter is high in calories and fat, so people should eat it in moderation or replace it with healthy unsaturated fas.


A simple, 5 second google search shows what a brilliant idea your diet is :mickeyj:

Aza hasn't said anything about processed meat in this entire thread you dumbfuck. :D  Some cut of lambs, beef and pork is not processed meat retard. Processed meat is the crap that was added on your frozen pizza that you ate tonight, you fat pos.


High cholesterol =/= eating too much meat. That has been debunked so many times it's not even funny. 


I could eat more meat in a day, than you do in a week and still have a better rate of cholesterol than you do, pal.


You're an ignorant pleb.

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8 minutes ago, Ramza said:

It is a fact, you're missing the point. You can optimize results from better understanding of dietary functions.


And by the way, eating less calories to lose weight is not a healthy lifestyle. It means your body is literally starving, you can lose weight and still get adequate amount of calories.


No shit, someone who eats 300 calories a day will lose weight and eventually look like a malnourished Kokujin. Duh.

This post proves your clueless. I'm not even going bother to explain. 


You CANNOT lose weight without burning more calories than you take in.  




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4 minutes ago, Ramza said:

Aza hasn't said anything about processed meat in this entire thread you dumbfuck. :D  Some cut of lambs, beef and pork is not processed meat retard. Processed meat is the crap that was added on your frozen pizza that you ate tonight, you fat pos.


High cholesterol =/= eating too much meat. That has been debunked so many times it's not even funny. 


I could eat more meat in a day, than you do in a week and still have a better rate of cholesterol than you do, pal.


You're an ignorant pleb.

LMFAO Jesus Christ. You  have no clue what processed meat means. It's not frozen pizza meat, it's almost every meat sold in a grocery store.





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1 minute ago, Team 2019 said:

What exactly is "tried and true" though. This sounds to broad of a spectrum. 

there are many diets lifters follow, in terms of daily meal frequency and macros. however, the one tried and true rule that always works (again, this can be tailored to one meal a day or 6) - eat 500 calories more/less than your daily maintenance amount, depending on your goals. for example: i burn about 2,500 calories.  if i want to build muscle, i take in 3,000.  if i want to cut up, i take in 2,000. it's not rocket science. if i find i'm losing too much muscle on a cut, i swap some of the carbs/fat for more protein. i do the same if i'm getting too soft on a bulk. this is considered a clean bulk/cut cycle. dirty bulks are garbage. 

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1 minute ago, Team 2019 said:

Hey genius you can't burn fat with your Insulin spiked as well. 

Yes you can.


Go on an all Coca-Cola diet with 40g sugar. Drink 5 a day to get 800 calories and 200g of sugar. 


At the end of 1 month you will end up looking like a skeleton. :D 


The problem is that it will make you hungry to consume more calories. If you actually stick to this hypothetical diet, you cannot NOT lose weight. 

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1 minute ago, SheepKilla said:

This post proves your clueless. I'm not even going bother to explain. 


You CANNOT lose weight without burning more calories than you take in.  




There's nothing I said that was factually wrong. Starving yourself =/= a healthy, sustainable diet. Knowing deeper dietary facts will lead to a better understanding of diet. Fact, fact.


You can lose weight and get roughly what you need in terms of calories intake by making better choices. Fact. 


Calling out the ''but you only have to spend more than you eat'' means that you lost already. How do you even know how many calories you need on a given day? :tom: There are so many factors to it, it's not even funny. And it changes greatly from one person to the other. This is not a smart diet in any way. It's a little bit more complex than that. Funny this is coming from the people who were crying that they are different kind of sugars. :D Yeah because eating 2000 calories of McDonalds PROCESSED garbage is the same as eatin 200 calories of home made food. :D You fucking retard. 

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