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Fuck you Nintendo/PlatinumGames.. cheap ass bastards (Bayonetta 3 VA related)

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Bitch just Amber Heard herself. 


If that's the case then fuck her.  They were right to dump her.  

3 hours ago, TLHBO said:

What happened to "believe all women"? :drake: I'm seeing a lot of misogyny and sexism here.


What does a contract dispute have to do with her being a woman? 


This was about a voice actor believing they should be paid more than she should have for an action game that wouldn't have as much dialoge as an adventure game or an RPG. 

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6 hours ago, Goukosan said:


What does a contract dispute have to do with her being a woman? 


This was about a voice actor believing they should be paid more than she should have for an action game that wouldn't have as much dialoge as an adventure game or an RPG. 

Funny, this time its nothing to do with her being a woman because Nintendos reputation is at stake, but about 5000 events before this, when shitty journalists, celebrities and the like were called out, THEN it was just misogyny. Now its different because Nintendos honour matters more.


Kill yourself :drake:

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2 hours ago, TLHBO said:

Funny, this time its nothing to do with her being a woman because Nintendos reputation is at stake, but about 5000 events before this, when shitty journalists, celebrities and the like were called out, THEN it was just misogyny. Now its different because Nintendos honour matters more.


Kill yourself :drake:


Everything in this situation was between her and Platinum... So I'm not sure how you're trying to make this about Nintendo. 


You're also trying too hard to make this about gender and failing. 


Not once did she claim she was being underpaid because she is a woman.  Not once did the people who rushed to defend her make such a claim either.  Her defenders were saying Voice actors as a whole should get paid more and this is another example. 


It was a contract dispute about money.  You're the only one making this about her being a woman. 


Do you only see the world from the lense of culture wars BS that you apply to unrelated situations?  

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I just don't understand why she would outright lie about something so easily refutable, given their "proof"...


Could it be that her translator fucked up and only told her $4000 total instead of $4000 per session?


Probably not... but I just can't think of why she would try to pull this shit if some wires weren't crossed somewhere along the way.



I will say, the way she immediately responded to Bloomberg's attempt to get a response with "I just want this franchise and issue to be behind me and move on with my theater" Like no..... it doesn't work like that.  YOU were the one who brought this forward, so obviously you don't want it behind you...


I think that's pretty sad that she'd do that.



Still, I just don't understand why she would lie or make any of this up.  $4000 per session for 5 sessions seems like a really good offer, so unless she's just completely unhinged I don't see why she'd deny that.

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1 hour ago, Goukosan said:


Everything in this situation was between her and Platinum... So I'm not sure how you're trying to make this about Nintendo. 


You're also trying too hard to make this about gender and failing. 


Not once did she claim she was being underpaid because she is a woman.  Not once did the people who rushed to defend her make such a claim either.  Her defenders were saying Voice actors as a whole should get paid more and this is another example. 


It was a contract dispute about money.  You're the only one making this about her being a woman. 


Do you only see the world from the lense of culture wars BS that you apply to unrelated situations?  

8 years where any criticism of a woman = right wing incel hatred and misogyny from people like you, but now....its ok we dont just take her word for it.


If she had been fired from any other publisher and claimed it was sexism do you think the woketards would have waited for the other side of the story? No retardera and you along with them would have the pitchforks at the ready.

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21 minutes ago, TLHBO said:

8 years where any criticism of a woman = right wing incel hatred and misogyny from people like you, but now....its ok we dont just take her word for it.


If she had been fired from any other publisher and claimed it was sexism do you think the woketards would have waited for the other side of the story? No retardera and you along with them would have the pitchforks at the ready.


You sure do love to paint with a broad brush... Is that how your mind works? 


I can guarantee you that you cannot find a single post from me calling anyone a misogynist. 



Once again... you're conflating issues where the WOMAN HERSELF CLAIMED it was a situation where sexism was evolved to this situation which again has nothing to do with sexism.  As NO ONE INVOLVED not even Her has claimed sexism.


Tons of people rushed in to defend her, her post got millions of views. Everyone claimed it was a fucked up situation because of the money she alleged she was offered.... No one was pushing sexism. 


And She wasn't fired.  It was a contract dispute.. SHE TURNED DOWN the offer from Platinum. 


You're reaching really hard, grasping for anything to latch on to and failing terribly. 



You really do only see the world from a culture wars perspective huh? :drake:

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2 hours ago, Remij said:

I just don't understand why she would outright lie about something so easily refutable, given their "proof"...


Could it be that her translator fucked up and only told her $4000 total instead of $4000 per session?


Probably not... but I just can't think of why she would try to pull this shit if some wires weren't crossed somewhere along the way.



I will say, the way she immediately responded to Bloomberg's attempt to get a response with "I just want this franchise and issue to be behind me and move on with my theater" Like no..... it doesn't work like that.  YOU were the one who brought this forward, so obviously you don't want it behind you...


I think that's pretty sad that she'd do that.



Still, I just don't understand why she would lie or make any of this up.  $4000 per session for 5 sessions seems like a really good offer, so unless she's just completely unhinged I don't see why she'd deny that.

The sentence that I highlighted from the bloomberg article gives her way to be TECHNICALLY correct, although misleading.


The last offer was just for a cameo, just for one session. So, she could have been describing just that final exchange, in which she was offered a $4000 job.


But she clearly mislead people into thinking she was being offered $4000 to voice the lead character and be the main voice actor for the game, when that wasn't the case it was just a cameo in a limited role.


This happens months.........why didn't she say this sooner?


Because she purposely wanted to HURT the game at launch. That's where I first thought that she wasn't being on the level. Because the voice acting negotiations would've been quite a while ago.


I also didn't like her insinuation that "she is Bayonetta", its a very disrespectful thing to say to all the other people that worked on the game.


In the realm of video games, voice actors really aren't that important as they are in animated films/shows. The voice actors doing mo-cap performances in games like TLOU and God of War are more important, they're also performing like actors.

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3 minutes ago, jehurey said:

The sentence that I highlighted from the bloomberg article gives her way to be TECHNICALLY correct, although misleading.


The last offer was just for a cameo, just for one session. So, she could have been describing just that final exchange, in which she was offered a $4000 job.


But she clearly mislead people into thinking she was being offered $4000 to voice the lead character and be the main voice actor for the game, when that wasn't the case it was just a cameo in a limited role.


This happens months.........why didn't she say this sooner?


Because she purposely wanted to HURT the game at launch. That's where I first thought that she wasn't being on the level. Because the voice acting negotiations would've been quite a while ago.


I also didn't like her insinuation that "she is Bayonetta", its a very disrespectful thing to say to all the other people that worked on the game.


In the realm of video games, voice actors really aren't that important as they are in animated films/shows. The voice actors doing mo-cap performances in games like TLOU and God of War are more important, they're also performing like actors.

Yea I guess you're right.  That's misleading as fuck though... and doesn't even hold up against basic scrutiny.. because the proof is still there about them wanting her for the full game.  So it seems like she denied their initial offer, and then they figured since they were doing some alternate Bayonetta stuff with the game that they could just have her voice the "old" Bayonetta and then the other ones be done by another VA.  Then she got mad that they went with someone else.


That's pretty bad if she's purposefully misleading people because of that.  That completely changes my opinion of her.. and then it becomes extremely obvious that she's just trying to damage the game with negative press before it launches.


I don't care what you think though, she is Bayonetta.  That voice is iconic.  It sucks that she's no longer going to portray her, but if all this really happened as I understand it now, then PG was right to dump her.  It's plain and simple.


And to your last point.. I'd say that's true for most characters... but there are some which transcend that.. and just simply aren't the same after.   But just because they aren't the same doesn't mean they're destined to be bad.  Look at Chris Judge as Kratos.  TC Carson is Kratos to me... but Sony Santa Monica did the right thing in getting a different actor for this different character arc.  They had that idea from the start, so it was the right choice.  With Bayonetta, they obviously wanted Hellena Taylor to reprise the role... so that's why the switch made me a bit bitter about it.  She seemingly wanted to do it... so that's why I couldn't understand why we weren't getting her.


Anyway, it is what it is.  She fucked up and let all her fans, including me, down.  Jennifer Hale will have to do :francis: 

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This bitch outright lied, and now she's trying to defend herself and throwing out completely different figures than she said before..




She's completely ruined her reputation, just so she could get back and Platinum for not giving her what she wanted.. which would have been an unreasonable amount of money.



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4 hours ago, Remij said:

This bitch outright lied, and now she's trying to defend herself and throwing out completely different figures than she said before..




She's completely ruined her reputation, just so she could get back and Platinum for not giving her what she wanted.. which would have been an unreasonable amount of money.




She actually brought more attention to the game than she intended :juggle:

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8 hours ago, Twinblade said:

This lady may have just torpedo’d her career with this shit.

something must have already happened to her career back in 2014, because she hasn't had any voice acting gigs since then, if her IMDB page is accurate.


Even lower-tier, relative unknown female voice actors still get a gig on a consistent basis.


You don't go eight years without a voice acting gig unless you have left the business, or you've been blackballed.

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36 minutes ago, Sabo said:

Shady bitch. Good riddance.

Yea, I just can't believe it.  What a cunt.


All she did was toss any chance at her having a future career in VA in the garbage... and not only did she do that, but she also set back VAs who have legitimate complaints and issues with treatment...


Like don't get me wrong... she's well within her right to demand more money, and PG is well within their right to tell her hell no.  But to come out, just before the game launches and blatantly lie and misrepresent what happened, just to get people to boycott the game... what a nasty bitch. 


PG REALLY wanted her to reprise the role.. they offered her $10K.. which is pretty decent, and she denied it.  Then she tried to contact Kamiya directly, and he managed to get another $5000 for her, for a total of $15K... and she STILL denied it...  THEN after deciding they would go with a different VA... they STILL offered her $4000 to do a smaller part for what we can assume was the "original Bayonetta" in the game.. and she fucking denied even that..


PG did everything they could to have her be a part of the game for the fans, and by the sounds of it, she was expecting 6 figures plus residuals...  


I can't fuck with that.  She got offered $15K which is more than union rates.. and she denied it... not even accepting the generous offer for the fans of hers, and the continuity of the character, which she's apparently a massive fan of...


Yep.. fuck her.  PG was right to do what they did.  She might not sound quite like the real Bayonetta.. but knowing what I know now.. it makes it less of an issue.  The reason why we don't have the original VA isn't because of PG... it's because she was a greedy cunt. :( 

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2 hours ago, Remij said:

Yea, I just can't believe it.  What a cunt.


All she did was toss any chance at her having a future career in VA in the garbage... and not only did she do that, but she also set back VAs who have legitimate complaints and issues with treatment...


Like don't get me wrong... she's well within her right to demand more money, and PG is well within their right to tell her hell no.  But to come out, just before the game launches and blatantly lie and misrepresent what happened, just to get people to boycott the game... what a nasty bitch. 


PG REALLY wanted her to reprise the role.. they offered her $10K.. which is pretty decent, and she denied it.  Then she tried to contact Kamiya directly, and he managed to get another $5000 for her, for a total of $15K... and she STILL denied it...  THEN after deciding they would go with a different VA... they STILL offered her $4000 to do a smaller part for what we can assume was the "original Bayonetta" in the game.. and she fucking denied even that..


PG did everything they could to have her be a part of the game for the fans, and by the sounds of it, she was expecting 6 figures plus residuals...  


I can't fuck with that.  She got offered $15K which is more than union rates.. and she denied it... not even accepting the generous offer for the fans of hers, and the continuity of the character, which she's apparently a massive fan of...


Yep.. fuck her.  PG was right to do what they did.  She might not sound quite like the real Bayonetta.. but knowing what I know now.. it makes it less of an issue.  The reason why we don't have the original VA isn't because of PG... it's because she was a greedy cunt. :( 


Her loss. 

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She also reiterated that "Bayonetta is a 450 million dollar franchise."




Somebody concluded that she was looking at VGChartz, and she added up the numbers incorrectly by adding up all 12 months, and then adding the combined annual total, thereby doubling the sales numbers.


I once caught Puertorock Papi doing the same exact thing.

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