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Why is Twitter trying so hard to prevent Elon Musk from taking it over?

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Ooh it's coming.. But fair enough. 

The DNC and its propaganda press have you so programmed that you're sending angry tweets to Elon?   If the lefty press hadn't been throwing a temper tantrum over losing control of Twitter,

Don't like it? Make your own Twitter (wait there's more)  

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On 2022-04-15 at 2:32 PM, Twinblade said:

Do they really feel so threatened by the fact that he might unban Trump and other conservatives to restore a degree of dignity and fairness to the platform? Its sad the lengths they'll go to inhibit free speech.


What's funny is that the same people who were crying they were being suppressed under previous twitter management are still crying that they are being censored, and shadow banned under Elon. Even people who are paying for boosted algorithmic positioning are complaining about low engagement. 


It's almost as if all of these people never actually had anything of worth to say in the first place. Or people were always turned off to their content. 

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10 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


What's funny is that the same people who were crying they were being suppressed under previous twitter management are still crying that they are being censored, and shadow banned under Elon. Even people who are paying for boosted algorithmic positioning are complaining about low engagement. 


It's almost as if all of these people never actually had anything of worth to say in the first place. Or people were always turned off to their content. 


Shocker!!!! Time for a new Twitter files @Cooke :kaz:

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He's just making it worse and worse. I assume this is to counter all the blocking and muting people have to do these days affecting the algorithm and more importantly impressions. Especially for the paid accounts.


Zuckerberg fucked up pushing Threads out too early and no one wants to use an app called Blue Sky. Musk has gotten lucky others are missing their shot because he's priming Twitter to crater. 

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4 hours ago, Goukosan said:



James woods who was an avid supporter of Musk finally realizes that they've all (MAGA) been had and that Musk hast been full of shit this all the time. 



lol Turns out the MAGA people are now starting to believe Musk was operating as a double agent the entire time, and wasn't a free speech warrior who spent 44 billion dollars so they could whatever they wanted. These people can never admit they are wrong. There's always some behind the scenes conspiracy working against them. 

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2 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


lol Turns out the MAGA people are now starting to believe Musk was operating as a double agent the entire time, and wasn't a free speech warrior who spent 44 billion dollars so they could whatever they wanted. These people can never admit they are wrong. There's always some behind the scenes conspiracy working against them. 


Love to see it :juggle:




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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2023-07-05 at 7:27 PM, z,warrior said:

They are limiting themselves trying to hold on to a past they never have themselves lived over the customs of dead ancestors. The government have given more than enough in terms of reparations to American Natives, especially considering descendants of former slaves got barely nothing (even ruling that affirmative action in some places is unlawful). So blaming the US government as land thieves is a bullshit argument, literal virtue signaling while ignoring all the things they’ve done for Natives.


As a follow up to my post:




  • The state is taking the rare step of transferring the Upper Sioux Agency State Park with a fraught history back to a Dakota tribe, trying to make amends for events that led to a war and the largest mass hanging in U.S. history.

  • The park spans a little more than 2 square miles (about 5 square kilometers) and includes the ruins of a federal complex where officers withheld supplies from Dakota people, leading to starvation and deaths. It also hold the secret burial sites of Dakota people who died as the United States failed to fulfill treaties with Native Americans more than a century ago.

  • Jensvold said he has spent 18 years asking the state to return the park to his tribe. He began when a tribal elder told him it was unjust Dakota people at the time needed to pay a state fee for each visit to the graves of their ancestors there.

  • Lawmakers finally authorized the transfer this year when Democrats took control of the House, Senate and governor’s office for the first time in nearly a decade, said state Sen. Mary Kunesh, a Democrat and descendant of the Standing Rock Nation.

  • But the transfer also would mean fewer tourists and less money for the nearby town of Granite Falls, said Mayor Dave Smiglewski. He and other opponents say recreational land and historic sites should be publicly owned, not given to a few people, though lawmakers set aside funding for the state to buy land to replace losses in the transfer.

  • In recent years, some tribes in the U.S., Canada and Australia have gotten their rights to ancestral lands restored with the growth of the Land Back movement, which seeks to return lands to Indigenous people.

  • A national park has never been transferred from the U.S. government to a tribal nation, but a handful are co-managed with tribes, including Grand Portage National Monument in northern Minnesota, Canyon de Chelly National Monument in Arizona and Glacier Bay National Park in Alaska, Jenny Anzelmo-Sarles of the National Park Service said.

  • This will be the first time Minnesota transfers a state park to a Native American community, said Ann Pierce, director of Minnesota State Parks and Trails at the Department of Natural Resources.

  • Minnesota’s transfer, expected to take years to finish, is tucked into several large bills covering several issues. The bills allocate more than $6 million to facilitate the transfer by 2033. The money can be used to buy land with recreational opportunities and pay for appraisals, road and bridge demolition and other engineering.

It IS possible.


You cannot say that America is a 250 year old country if you cannot honor your treaties that have committed to within those 250 years.


I expect a major corporation or rich family to still uphold and enforce their existing contracts that give them power decades and centuries into the future.


You can't just say "oh, that's old shit, that don't apply no more"

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1 hour ago, jehurey said:


As a follow up to my post:




  • The state is taking the rare step of transferring the Upper Sioux Agency State Park with a fraught history back to a Dakota tribe, trying to make amends for events that led to a war and the largest mass hanging in U.S. history.

  • The park spans a little more than 2 square miles (about 5 square kilometers) and includes the ruins of a federal complex where officers withheld supplies from Dakota people, leading to starvation and deaths. It also hold the secret burial sites of Dakota people who died as the United States failed to fulfill treaties with Native Americans more than a century ago.

  • Jensvold said he has spent 18 years asking the state to return the park to his tribe. He began when a tribal elder told him it was unjust Dakota people at the time needed to pay a state fee for each visit to the graves of their ancestors there.

  • Lawmakers finally authorized the transfer this year when Democrats took control of the House, Senate and governor’s office for the first time in nearly a decade, said state Sen. Mary Kunesh, a Democrat and descendant of the Standing Rock Nation.

  • But the transfer also would mean fewer tourists and less money for the nearby town of Granite Falls, said Mayor Dave Smiglewski. He and other opponents say recreational land and historic sites should be publicly owned, not given to a few people, though lawmakers set aside funding for the state to buy land to replace losses in the transfer.

  • In recent years, some tribes in the U.S., Canada and Australia have gotten their rights to ancestral lands restored with the growth of the Land Back movement, which seeks to return lands to Indigenous people.

  • A national park has never been transferred from the U.S. government to a tribal nation, but a handful are co-managed with tribes, including Grand Portage National Monument in northern Minnesota, Canyon de Chelly National Monument in Arizona and Glacier Bay National Park in Alaska, Jenny Anzelmo-Sarles of the National Park Service said.

  • This will be the first time Minnesota transfers a state park to a Native American community, said Ann Pierce, director of Minnesota State Parks and Trails at the Department of Natural Resources.

  • Minnesota’s transfer, expected to take years to finish, is tucked into several large bills covering several issues. The bills allocate more than $6 million to facilitate the transfer by 2033. The money can be used to buy land with recreational opportunities and pay for appraisals, road and bridge demolition and other engineering.

It IS possible.


You cannot say that America is a 250 year old country if you cannot honor your treaties that have committed to within those 250 years.


I expect a major corporation or rich family to still uphold and enforce their existing contracts that give them power decades and centuries into the future.


You can't just say "oh, that's old shit, that don't apply no more"

I completely change ny mind since my last post, indegenous people should fight for their land, whether its one they had in childhood or knew of their ancestors having in the past. Whether they are owed the land and have current settlers who now also grew up on that land be misplaced for their sake, I think is a complicated issue and not as black and white. But they should definitely fight fair over it.

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10 hours ago, Goukosan said:

Musk blaming the jews (anti defamation league) for Twitter/X losing 60% of its ad revenue :kaz:



Am I bugging or did he say they at a minimum are responsible for a 10% (4 billion) value loss... Basically insinuating that twitter is worth 40 billion dollar? Lmfao 


He just paid that, it was never worth more than half of that. Dude is cracked out. 

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On 2023-09-05 at 4:11 PM, Mr. Impossible said:


Lmfao he actually is carrying on about Twitter being worth 40 Billion dollars. I guess he is basing this on the stock price he himself inflated when he tricked himself into buying it? 


This is how right wing politics ruin people's minds lol. 


According to Elon Musk’s own math, the company formerly known as Twitter has lost 90% of its value


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4 hours ago, Goukosan said:


According to Elon Musk’s own math, the company formerly known as Twitter has lost 90% of its value



All joking aside and stuff, Twitter is absolutely shit now and it's all due to Musk's decision making. I dont think someone could have done a worse job even if they were trying. 


Edit: right after posting this I went on Twitter and literally within a minute run into something that wasn't a big thing before him.




His big beef was spam but it's far worse after he took over. Not just bots, but bots that are verified. I can't fit it all in here, but this was a video of people trying to rob an old man pumping gas...posted by a bot. Using a dozen unrelated hashtags, which is something else newish. Then every other reply to the video is a verified spam account spamming these Trump Tees as if they are not affiliated with whoever is selling them.

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  • 2 weeks later...
7 hours ago, Goukosan said:

And now Musk is thinking about charging everyone to use Twitter. 


The app advertising dollars dried up so much that it's time to try to milk the users. 


I hope he milks his cult dry :kaz:


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  • 8 months later...
On 2022-04-15 at 2:32 PM, Twinblade said:

Do they really feel so threatened by the fact that he might unban Trump and other conservatives to restore a degree of dignity and fairness to the platform? Its sad the lengths they'll go to inhibit free speech.


So I was scrolling today and was treated to audio of a Hitler speech. It seems in order to juke viewership numbers on videos, they recently implemented auto playing/audio of scrolled contents now. 


In the time since this thread was created Musk destroyed all of the the credibility of the platform, signal boosted countless lies and misinformation, given rise to some of the worst social media  creators possible, especially Nazis, vocally supports one political party over the other and dropped the value to half of its original value. 


Even some of his biggest supporters don't llke how he operates but still have to kiss his ass because the "fair" platform really relies on how he personally feels about the content account. Which is the exact name thing conservatives complain about every other platforms. 


Except every other platform has well defined TOS and defined revenue share where at Twitter he can just decide if people can monetizing their content regardless of how much engagement they receive, as well as how much money they are allowed to make. 



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