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Someone Photoshop Sperm on this Picture

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This should always remain on top of the hall of shame.

Done! I stickied it. 

While on a juvenile level this is hilarious. Hate to be a party pooper, but this website must realize you can be held accountable for defamation of character as well as the original posters, the guy who requested a photoshop (malicious intent for purposes of Defamation of Character) and the load blower (Defamation of Character w/sexual harassment -see below). Slander / Libel / Defamation of Character Libel, simply put, is where you cause damage to another person by writing about them in public. Slander, which applies less here, is the verbal version of Libel (You say something publicly about them). Both are Defamation of Character, usually a direct, "defamatory" attack on a person's reputation in public.If a photograph you take is published, which you have a fundamental right to do, you must be careful not to misrepresent or injure the reputation of those who were photographed. For example by editing the photo to alter the situation, or adding an incorrect or misleading caption.( in this case sperm) ----------- While this may seem funny as fuck you guys risk losing your site as well as criminal and civil lawsuits, because beyond defamation of character, i can say you can also be charged with sexual harassment (the second she sees the image she can claim sexual harassment, emotional distress etc... = $$$ especially in the USA), if the girl in question is under-aged it gets even messier. I do hope she never sees this thread.... for your sakes.

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While on a juvenile level this is hilarious.

Hate to be a party pooper, but this website must realize you can be held accountable for defamation of character as well as the original posters, the guy who requested a photoshop (malicious intent for purposes of Defamation of Character) and the load blower (Defamation of Character w/sexual harassment -see below).

Slander / Libel / Defamation of Character

Libel, simply put, is where you cause damage to another person by writing about them in public. Slander, which applies less here, is the verbal version of Libel (You say something publicly about them). Both are Defamation of Character, usually a direct, "defamatory" attack on a person's reputation in public.If a photograph you take is published, which you have a fundamental right to do, you must be careful not to misrepresent or injure the reputation of those who were photographed. For example by editing the photo to alter the situation, or adding an incorrect or misleading caption.( in this case sperm)


While this may seem funny as fuck you guys risk losing your site as well as criminal and civil lawsuits, because beyond defamation of character, i can say you can also be charged with sexual harassment (the second she sees the image she can claim sexual harassment, emotional distress etc... = $$$ especially in the USA), if the girl in question is under-aged it gets even messier.

I do hope she never sees this thread.... for your sakes.

lol shut up and go home

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Guest HitmanAgent47

I don't take threats kindly, she gave me permission. Did you know before, her picture had alot of pimples, eyebags, scars and a mustache. The photo you see now is photoshopped by me, now she looks perfect. Second of all, she is 19 years old in the picture, lastly here is my evidence everything you say won't hold up anywhere. I don't care what you do with the site, however you called me out, I don't post here anymore. Also the thread said photoshop sperm on this picture, I photoshopped the word instead. At least I didn't print it out and stuff. It's a joke and it's wordplay, a parody for the thread, which is protected by law of fair use. I parodied what happened during the thread, instead using a printed picture, I wrote a caption instead of photoshopping sperm on her face. Really and I have permission because I asked her for the picture and she gave me it. Why don't you go after ppl downloading mp3's instead, your country is a joke.

Posted Image

Edit, I assume your a lawyer or district attorney for the u.s remo considering the detailed information of you knowledge of the law. Still if you want dirt of ppl, I can provide it. There is a guy who's always into beastiality, his name is Juke Joint Jezebel, or lobster johnson or paul kearsy, look into these allegations. He lives in richmond as he said before, bring this sicko down. I stopped going here because I deal with homosexuals on a daily basis, they have ruined the site for me, they only get along because of their gay solidarity. Then go on blaming you for their problems. There are alot of ppl I can sue for slander or liebel, if they testify in court, you can hear their gay lispy accent, how dare they call anyone that. Really this site if full of criminals. Ppl like poply who is 16, dares post a site called hitman sucks then post gay porn and beastiality which could of been charged for indecency since it was linked to the forum, before I reported him to lawyers in the u.s washinton, that should be looked into. There is a teacher here who likes teenage girls, who teaches in the u.s. Also there is systemwars that keeps saying your gay and go fuck your father, I belive he is a victim of abuse. Then you have ppl that are high every single second and talks about drugs they are on because they want to forget about their lousy reality. I can go on, there are a ton of ppl here that deserves to be sued. You want evidence from these ppl's post, I would need to find it again and it will require time.

I am not posting on the site because of these bottom feeding homosexuals who ruined it for me with their accusations, they get along without me here, when i'm here they start accusing themselves though others. Also the u.s government might be looking into this site now considering I tried contacting them.

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Guest Chairman_Meow

While on a juvenile level this is hilarious.

Hate to be a party pooper, but this website must realize you can be held accountable for defamation of character as well as the original posters, the guy who requested a photoshop (malicious intent for purposes of Defamation of Character) and the load blower (Defamation of Character w/sexual harassment -see below).

Slander / Libel / Defamation of Character

Libel, simply put, is where you cause damage to another person by writing about them in public. Slander, which applies less here, is the verbal version of Libel (You say something publicly about them). Both are Defamation of Character, usually a direct, "defamatory" attack on a person's reputation in public.If a photograph you take is published, which you have a fundamental right to do, you must be careful not to misrepresent or injure the reputation of those who were photographed. For example by editing the photo to alter the situation, or adding an incorrect or misleading caption.( in this case sperm)


While this may seem funny as fuck you guys risk losing your site as well as criminal and civil lawsuits, because beyond defamation of character, i can say you can also be charged with sexual harassment (the second she sees the image she can claim sexual harassment, emotional distress etc... = $$$ especially in the USA), if the girl in question is under-aged it gets even messier.

I do hope she never sees this thread.... for your sakes.

You have a point, however from a strictly practical side what you have said is a lot of hot air.

You have no idea were any of the yet-to-possibly-be defendants are?

Canada? USA? China? Thailand?

And were this site is hosted.

USA? Norway? ect...

Before even beginning to start a case, you would have to trace all those involved and hope they are within your jurisdiction, costing lots and lots of money, without even the guarantee that your case could stick, because it would almost be impossible to, beyond the reason of the doubt, correlate the actions of those involved with real people.

Perhaps I am wrong, and if i am, please say so as I would love to learn more and the legal system that you seem to know much of.

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