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super official photo album part 3 (and drug/food/)

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Can one see who neg reps?

not only on my dick but i cant even -rep someone without you trying to give me attention   i know you never knew your dad and i can fuck your mother as i choose, but i have no interest in your chimp

Oh teh ironing. I haven't posted in weeks and I come in here and you are still crying about me. Xelle post a pic wearing a kids toy and your coon ass is doing a fried chicken dance like you j

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Raptor I do not dislike men just because I don't want one inside me :| The reason for the 2 sentences was to explain to SK the basic concept of lesbianism since most people understand straight away yet he thinks that I might sometimes want some penis fun :ben: Know he was only playing around though (I hope).

So we good bro? I don't go on marches or anything. But good point here "but is saying that because of what her societal roles dictate". Yes that is a major reason for being with girls. I do feel like I couldn't be in a relationship with a man because I wouldn't feel right in how we would relate spiritually, emotionally, physically. I feel more natural in a masculine (?) role and being with a person who plays the feminine role.

Made me write a freaking novel right here but just wanted to be clear that I do not hate men just don't love them just like a straight guy so hopefully you can relate and not be offended.

Devil Trigger, I would only be straight for Justin Bieber...who im fairly sure is just a lesbian anyway. I feel you on the ego thing I think "I could make that chic gay" all the time. :D

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o is artemis a dude...LMAO!!!

No, she's a chick. Some girls don't dig dudes. just the way she typed that was as if she was leading a stereotypical role. i would bet that artemis doesnt really feel like that at heart but is saying that because of what her societal roles dictate. I've never heard someone sound so proud of not being attracted to someone. Why write 2 fucking sentences instead of just saying "i dont like dudes"? this fucking obnoxious over feminization of society has resulted in everyone trying to be proud of how anti-man they are its fucking ridiculous. WTF is this guys issue?:D

Is it really that hard to believe a lesbian would find a cock repulsive? Don't most straight men find cocks repulsive?

I like how you and devil trigger seem to almost take it as a personal insult that some woman dares not to find you attractive so she must be bullshitting.:D

no i do not find cocks repulsive i am just not attracted. i dont like block out the cock in porn with my finger thats the most childish shit ive ever heard

Do you find extremely overweight women repulsive?

What about 50 year old hairy men?

What is so unbelievable about finding cocks repulsive?

those things are intrinsically unattractive, you attached adjectives to them to describe their unattractiveness. if you asked me if i found woodchippered cocks repulsive i would say yes. there is however nothing anatomically repulsive about an organ that all men have. the most repulsive thing mentioned in this entire conversation is that you find a part of slightly less than 50% of the population repulsive. you have a lot of maturation to do.

First off I never said I found cocks repulsive. It also has nothing to do with maturity. I do find feet repulsive and almost 100% of people have those.

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I go to a lot of hipster events. I dig the culture to a degree, but I dress like a normal person and I'm not pretentious enough to actually be a hipster.

which is ironic because the first half of your sentence reeks of pretentiousness.

Going to events that hipsters go to is not only pretentious, but extremely so? That makes no sense. Kid you throw the word around so often I think you've lost the meaning of the word.
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Oh hai Zwarrior how do you feel about roleplaying nintendo characters for me. Leave the lipstick on :-*



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(would be trannywarrior if it wasnt for the whole bear thing ;[ )


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I go to a lot of hipster events. I dig the culture to a degree, but I dress like a normal person and I'm not pretentious enough to actually be a hipster.

which is ironic because the first half of your sentence reeks of pretentiousness.

Going to events that hipsters go to is not only pretentious, but extremely so? That makes no sense. Kid you throw the word around so often I think you've lost the meaning of the word.

you challenging what I said is pretentious.

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