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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Was I talking to him... or you? He's trying to inject himself into our conversation... so no, I certainty don't... until he makes it my business to.
  2. No.. I made a simple statement... which was true. MS literally did the same thing to solve the same problem that DynamiteCop blamed Sony for doing... lmfao I never said anything else... He asked.. and I explained.. But of course you chime in... defending ya boi
  3. Yea... because it totally wasn't reviled and hated enough for MS to remove it or anything... lmao
  4. No.. under normal circumstance nobody gives a fuck what you do... especially me. You're lauding your playtime around like it's something special... when you really just want to give weight to the things you say about said game. You're a clown... you've done this shit before. With your game room when you first starting posting here... acting like an authority on games because you collect them... buying a PSVR once we were talking about VR.. so you could enter the conversation and have a voice alongside those of us that were telling others who didn't experience it that "they didn't really kno
  5. No time for the best game, best on X? Would rather play Under Night on Steam It's ok, I get it.
  6. Says the guy who's playing PSNow instead of RDX
  7. I like how I say "I'll wait to see what VGTech says about the situation"... and then you post NXGamer.. like as if that's has any bearing on my stipulation. And you notice I didn't go running around saying that DF was wrong? So.... there goes your idea that I'm just hating on Xbox. I already admitted in the thread that I'm surprised that it's locked native. I get the feeling that you think I thought it would be some far off number from 4K when I said it wont be native 4K... Like as if I'm vastly underestimating what the console can do... That was never the case.
  8. The XO had a TERRIBLE sharpness filter on it at the beginning of the generation. It made games look terrible. It was so bad that devs had to implement workarounds. https://www.dualshockers.com/the-removal-of-the-hated-xbox-one-sharpening-filter-comes-at-the-price-of-texture-detail/ Looked even worse in motion... LMAO at you not even knowing about this
  9. Kinda like what MS did with the original Xbox One.. system wide
  10. Sooo much THIS! Even a remake of the first one... that would be amazing.
  11. It would either be SM64 - 2... A beautiful new Mario game with the same hub/level system and movement.. but bigger and better than ever before. or Blood Omen: The Legacy of Kain 2 - I know there was a sequel to Blood Omen, but it wasn't the best. I'd love an actual sequel in the same style, but with much better graphics and extreme violence... of course with Simon Templeman and other VOs reprising their roles where necessary.
  12. Yes... as I said.. it's a "please notice me too" type of marketing. They just want more consoles out there to sell game pass to
  13. It IS coming to PC man... it absolutely is.. and
  14. "Maybe if we sell the console at $100+ off with the game... people will buy it" >MS executives
  15. MS was literally BEGGING people to buy Xbox consoles with this game... and despite over $100 off... I didn't even consider it.. There's no reason to buy it on Xbox... when it's going to be best on PC in 6-8 months
  16. lol I was gonna say something.. but the joke remains the same regardless so Still funny though!
  17. Jon.. this is part of the problem... Unwillingness to listen because "you guys just don't understand"... Trust me... I think other countries understand quite well what America is like... despite not "being there"... America's politics influence our own.. America's interests influence ours.. ect ect... Our news is mostly American news... But what America can't do... but what others can... is actually look at America from a different point of view. Sadly... I feel that's a crucial element to improving the situation... but American's are too stubborn to realize it and
  18. You're right. But that's why you have to start removing all these unnecessary guns off the streets and try to begin to change people's perception of the necessity of them. You can't begin to help yourself when any and everyone feels they need a gun for protection. It wouldn't be something to happen over night... but a first step in the change of mentality, I think, would be good. I ain't going to pretend like I have the answer... nobody does, full stop... because America is a special case in all honesty. It's hard to begin removing guns from people and the streets by
  19. Solve? No.. Improve/reduce? Possibly. You have to start somewhere.
  20. Whatever.. you don't need to make new threads with the same intention of having people post screens every time. Just do it here
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