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Everything posted by Remij

  1. 1440p LOL This is a PS4 game through and through. I will enjoy it on the device it was built for..... and then sell it and use that money to lower the price of the best version in 2024
  2. Jerky, you couldn't act confident if your life depended on it. I'd smack the ever living shit out of you kid... both figuratively and literally
  3. No. I don't think sheep are idiotic for buying new Nintendo games in 2022... I think paying that money for PS4 games that run at that resolution in 2022 would be idiotic... if there are better versions to play. And buying much better versions with higher graphics settings, more features, higher framerates and higher resolutions, for $40 is perfectly understandable.
  4. God look at how pathetically you're trying to "win" some argument you made up in your retarded fucking head Oh no... PS5 at native 4K 30fps... or Pro at 1440p-1656p at 30fps Pweeze buy a PS5 Remij!!! LMFAO fucking clown
  5. No I didn't. LOL and look how mad he's getting... because he made another false claim and got called out for it... again
  6. You're the one saying that.... and now ironically YOU can't ever claim a Switch game is worth it's full price. OMFG he LITERALLY JUST CAUGHT HIMSELF IN HIS OWN STUPID LOGIC
  7. Native 4K... 30fps Idiot. The highest settings the game runs at... is locked to 30fps
  8. No, you can criticize them all you want... idiot. That doesn't stop people from buying Switch versions of games... does it? OMFG he actually walked himself right into the point I was making
  9. No I didn't bitch. Don't even try to act confident dude
  10. They will gain FAR more people by releasing the games day and date and catching the hype cycle of the game at it's original launch. And I'm not referring to people that would have bought the game on console... I'm referring to strictly PC gamers who would buy the game, at full price. That's why I told you Sony's own data shows the vast majority of people who have bought their games on PC... aren't double dippers.
  11. I like how the Epic Game Store alerts you when there's free games to go and grab, and then you immediately close it and forget about it
  12. Don't be a dumbass like Jehurey and gloat man.. He has a 3080... it will run better than PS5 That said. PS4 Pro version looks great too.
  13. You said that I denied they would... and that's bullshit because I never said that. Post me saying that... You can't... because OBVIOUSLY I'm buying the games again....
  14. Show me where I denied this You've already known I played these games on PS4... Sonys own data shows that most people buying their games on PC are new customers..
  15. It shouldn't be that demanding. I could be wrong though.
  16. It's pretty simple if you ignore the Jerry go round parts. Let's put it this way... when a game releases on Switch, PC, and PS or Xbox... the Switch has the shittiest version of those games, right? But they charge the same amount for them, right? People accept that, because its a new game. The game has value, because it's new to the person. OLD games which are cheap because they are old, are less quality than a new version of that game that runs faster and looks better... like a remaster for example... therefore the value of that game comes from the fact t
  17. No I didn't say they were way too shitty to be played that way.... I said that better playing versions of those old games are worth more money than the shittier playing versions
  18. Uh.... you can.. lol The game released on Steam.
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