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Everything posted by Remij

  1. LOL Developers use Nvidia's internal test servers.... to test their games without them appearing on the fucking client you dumbass... And yes... devs specifically have access to that test server... that's what it's there for... And Nvidia... is covering their asses
  2. No... there wouldn't be drivers specific to the game.. Developers can use Geforce Now and install any standalone executable on Nvidia's servers. They can use it to test games which will never be released on PC.. if they choose. They can run Webpage apps through Geforce Now if they want... they can run mobile SDKs on their cloud servers to develop and test mobile games.... If it's in the database... then there's a good chance that it exists in some form or fashion for some reason. Whether they all release is neither here nor there. You're saying the list has no merit...
  3. Yep. I can literally load the rom up DuckStation and instantly it's immediately smoother lol. I can then use cheatengine to add a fast forward button as well. That's like 90% of the experience right there. It's a low effort job to be sure. Typical of SquareEnix these days. They released a patch for Chrono Trigger on PC which adds 21:9 support... and that aspect is great.. but they broke some shit in the process, and now I refuse to play the game because check this out.. Look how the character judders when you move diagonally.. Th
  4. Typical SquareEnix shit job.. I got it on PC and honestly it's pretty terrible.. however, if you force Vsync and run in classic mode.. it's not too bad. Battles fluctuate constantly.. and there's terrible input lag in the menus... but this new edition is still probably the best way to play the game these days, just for the QoL improvements alone. Again... it's pretty bad... but it's playable. Mods will probably fix the game up a bit on PC. You can easily remove the shitty blue/grey background border and make it pure black.. which is a huge improvement already lol. As
  5. LOL.. you apparently have no idea how this works And sweetie... we're talking about the projects mentioned in the leak being real things... You're trying to move goalposts so hard to specific platforms.. LOL you're asking about drivers ffs
  6. That doesn't matter. We're talking about the authenticity of stuff that was posted in the leak as actual projects. LOL you actually thought I'd let you move goalposts
  7. Firepower is Bodycount? Makes sense.. lmfao the 'count getting his ass fucked daily
  8. It's actually more the audacity of strolling up there, smacking a host, then sitting back down and refusing to leave after being told multiple times that he had to. You don't get to do what you want with no repercussions. Will Smith isn't special.. and if it was anyone else they would have been forced out of there.
  9. LMAO that fucking forum.. they're all too eager to ruin peoples lives over shit... but a guy being banned from the Oscars is just "too unfair" after he assaults someone live on stage
  10. LMFAO the game is trash on consoles and LOL the Xbox One X version runs better than the PS5/Series X versions...
  11. They aren't excuses.. and that's why you're running from them Your retarded ass didn't realize that the completion rates are skewed because it's a part of a free to play game.. LOL That literally shut down your entire fucking argument like the desperate attempt that it was. You don't need the stats? Yet you tried desperately to throw stats out there.. and got caught being a retard and not understanding the simple concept.. until someone explained it to you bubub teh servers I beat Halo Infinite... did YOU beat Returnal? Probably not
  12. I mean... all I said was that it depends on how you played and experienced the game which might give players a different perspective. I don't understand why you're saying I enjoyed the repetitive content by simply saying that? I don't see how I'm showing it any favoritism either... I've already explained how it's an issue with how the game is designed to be open and played in any fashion you want.
  13. Doesn't matter what it releases on. Jerry will be wrong
  14. It applies to the Xbox stats too you fucking CLOWN Jesus fucking CHRIST
  15. Lmfao.. this clown's butt got blasted REAL quick I finished Halo Infinite on Steam. And the Infinite stats on Steam are skewed because it's part of a free to play game fuckwad... so anyone who downloaded it to play the free MP... were affecting it Fucking retard didn't even realize that
  16. I don't think I missed the point. I mean I agreed with him... all I said was that it really depends on how you played the game. There's entire areas and enemies that people may not know even exist. That's all. I don't disagree with you either, and I'm not trying to brush it under the rug. I have some pretty damning thoughts about aspects of the game myself man. I just think it's fair to admit that not everyone experienced the game in the same order, or the same amount of content, or the same style of play.. so while objectively there's a lot of repeated reuse and that can disa
  17. You can look at the fanboys here who claim it's so amazing.. and yet they have like 1-3 trophies for it.. It's like the people here who claim GT7 is amazing... but haven't touched it since completing a couple of races a month ago.
  18. Because you don't have to do all of that. Like I said.. it honestly depends on how you progress through the game and how thorough you are. But yea obviously there's tons of asset reuse.. not debating that.
  19. Another video from IGN. - Around 10h long -186 unique ending variations -Has tons of options of adjusting the difficulties of various things such as timers, button presses, aim assist, and QTE speeds. -Game has a "movie mode" with lets you select personality traits for each of the characters which influences their decisions and allows you to watch the game play out without touching the controller. This sounds like they're going above and beyond for accessibility.. and the game and characters itself sound pretty good so far. Can't
  20. That honestly depends how you play through it. Some people will undeniably have a lesser experience towards the last half of the game, depending on how they played through the first half. I actually found the very end content quite good.. but there was a section there which was "going through the motions" because I had done so much other stuff completely already. Sure, that's an issue with the game.. after-all they give you the freedom.. but it's definitely fair to say that it's subjective since we've all experienced and played this game in completely different ways.
  21. Did I say that? Man, he's losing his shit over Jim Ryan now.... as more and more Geforce Now leaked products come to light
  22. ^ Yea.. that's what I said with my post..
  23. Maybe because it's not time? This idiot is asking why everything isn't all announced all at once This idiot also thinks that EVERYTHING on the list needs to happen.. or the list has no merit This idiot is gonna have a LOT more denying to do
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