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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Actually they are getting higher profile. It's hilarious.. first it was...lmao the PSNow version IS the PC version... then it was... oh it's HZD because of Death Stranding and Decima... then it was Days Gone... oh it's a single game and was poorly received and because it was UE4.. easy to port. Now it's just Naughty Dog's engine... and their biggest franchise... lmfao
  2. ^and now he's attempting to actually talk about the subject... like clockwork. -Derails thread -gets told to stick to the topic -derails further arguing in circles -posts on topic post to claim that he's been trying to talk about the subject but is being derailed by the person calling him out It's the same shit every time. Every. Fucking. Time. And the mods don't do shit...
  3. That's right... and you're learning not everyone holds the same views as you Which has nothing to do with the fact that the topic of this thread is about PS Plus.. and not Xbox GWG. You came into a thread meant for positive discussion... to specifically derail, troll, and talk negatively about Xbox. @-GD-X's rule was pretty clear about this.....but apparently he's not going to put much effort into enforcing it.
  4. Imagine that... admitting it's bait... and doing so while expecting the mods not to do anything about it because "they likely share the same perspective as you" That's what this entire forum is at this point... a ton of cows who see no problem with other cows derailing thread when it's about talking shit about Xbox. LMFAO you literally couldn't come into this thread and say anything of substance about the PS Plus games... instead all you wanted to do was talk shit about the Xbox ones....
  5. Notice how the posters before you in this thread didn't mention Xbox at all... but you did... because you're butthurt and wanted to bait lemmings. That's what you do... IN EVERY THREAD. If mods can't see why that's a problem here... then this place is fucking hopeless. It'd be great if they enforced that rule equally... You know kind a like how you accuse cooke and others of always derailing threads about political talk... or X Y and X.
  6. lmfao... bait posts are WHAT DERAIL THREADS But ok ok... I'm going to remember that for the future.
  7. @-GD-X I mean... look how clear it is..
  8. This discussion isn't about the service... it's about 3 fucking games... lmfao how stupid are you?
  9. No.. Logically.... if I go into a thread about games with gold... and only talk about PS Plus.... and always bringing up playstation... I'm derailing that thread This thread wasn't created with the intention of comparing it to Xbox's free games this month... it was about discussing PS Plus' free games... the games themselves... not the service as compared to anything else... The derail... comes from your obvious baiting attempt and only wanting to talk about the topic through the context of Xbox..... You have no interest in this thread topic... aside from
  10. You didn't come into this thread to talk about PS Plus games... you came in to talk about Xbox GWG games... and troll lemmings. Take your shit to it's own thread. This is the last time you're being told.
  11. @-GD-X He derailed this thread with an obvious attempt to troll lemmings and make this thread about Xbox. Thread was perfectly fine until he joined in. Very clear and obvious attempt to change the topic and discussion of this thread. In other words... he's already successfully fucked it up... as he does.
  12. It's not about Xbox. This isn't a thread about Xbox's free games this month. Go make a thread about that if you want. This thread is about PS Plus. Like... how fucking stupid are you that you can't understand that. Trolling Lemmings with an obvious bait is the definition of derailing this thread. This thread wasn't made with the intention to compare it to GWG... That's entirely on YOU... and your butthurt about Xbox. So go make that thread and get the fuck out of this one. That's 4 times I've had to t
  13. Yes you are. This thread has nothing to do with Xbox. You're just trolling, and derailing this thread by wanting to make it about Xbox. Can you REALLY not participate in a thread without derailing them and talking about Xbox? Doesn't seem like you can. The mods definitely need to teach you to stop.
  14. The thread is about PS Plus. Not Xbox GWG. It's obvious you're just trying to provoke the lemmings. I'm course correcting you. Stick to the topic thanks. You've been told.
  15. ^try to stay on topic, would you.. you've been warned about this before
  16. Huuuge massive upgrade compared to the original in shaders and facial animation. It can't be stated enough. More than anything this is just tools and engine pipeline improvements too.
  17. Yea, there's so much other stuff that looks incredible... but the hair underwater was legit one of the things I thought was pretty bad.
  18. The hair underwater actually looks really bad.. lmfao what are you guys on about? It's dithered as fuck.
  19. I mean more physically connected to the environment. Being better animated and more connected to the environment doesn't have to come at the cost of responsiveness. I'm not wanting RDR2 animation shit where you press and button and feel like you're stuck into watching things happen until they do... I'm wanting animation that blends into the environment better. Better contextual animation and presence in the environment. Watching again and there's stuff that just feels disconnected, and very similar to the first Horizon. Foliage still doesn't really react that well to Aloy's move
  20. Was expecting a release date though... Hopefully it's still coming this year.
  21. Run along and accept your L kid... This is why threads get ruined... you want to keep Jerry-go-rounding everything We're done here. And Uncharted 4 is coming to PC And Bloodborne And others And it's the sheep who are the most owned by it.. because they just don't shut the fuck up
  22. This.. I watched it, and could immediately tell areas which are hugely improved over the original.. like facial animation and rigging, plus a lot of other little things... but there were elements which also didn't impress me as much as I hoped. But that was more about them just not changing some stuff I thought they'd change... not so much any technical issue. Like, to me, Aloy's movement during gameplay still seems pretty similar to the original game. I expected them to give the character more physics based movement and animation which was more integrated into the en
  23. Nope... you backtracked and damaged controlled once you realized you were BUTTFUCKED LEVELS OF WRONG, and tried to get out ahead of it. I called you out for attempting it even way back then. Dude... you're not running away from the fact that you were laughing your ass off when HZD was announced on PSNow.. you said THAT was the PC version all along and that's "all we were getting" ..and when I told... no.. WARNED.. your bitch ass that the PC version was separate... you again laughed.
  24. Yea, I'm thinking Nintendo maybe has some more info coming shortly. Like I had mentioned before in another thread. I wouldn't be surprised if it's PS/Nintendo consoles first, and then PC/Xbox later with Game Pass as well.
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