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Everything posted by Remij

  1. PlayStation’s studios boss said today that releasing its biggest games only on PS5 would be “frankly not very good business” Indeed
  2. God of War 2 and GT7 confirmed coming to PS4 Where it makes sense to develop a title for both PS4 and PS5 — for Horizon Forbidden West, the next God of War, GT7 — we’ll continue looking at that. And if PS4 owners want to play that game, then they can. If they want to go on and play the PS5 version, that game will be there https://blog.playstation.com/2021/06/02/hermen-hulst-qa-whats-next-for-playstation-studios/#sf246401757 Lmfao... but but generations and hard breaks Sony outright fucking LIED to you clowns LOL I told a couple of y
  3. Thanks for admitting you came into this thread butthurt. That's why everyone else laughed... and you got defensive You can REALLY tell who the butthurt bitches are on this forum by this thread
  4. Delita your accounta pleasea
  5. Read this again: LMFAO... now go play some 2016's Ratchet in Clank... in 2021. Go.. run along now little hypocrite
  6. I don't need to post a PSN profile to prove I've played PS4 games since 2014...... lmfao
  7. Yes I have... and you know it. In fact... when the rest of us were discussing UC4 on Sidescrollers.net, I was making fun of you back in 2016 for not owning a PS4.. and for borrowing your "friends ps4" to play the game... ROFL And I hope you enjoy Ratchet and Clank 2016.... since you're just playing it now for the first time in 2021... Jehypocrite LOL (and lets be real.. wont finish it... just like you didn't God of War... or TLOU2... or Shadow of the Colossus... or....)
  8. Sure I have. Even if your claim was true... which it isn't... I've played PS4 games... on PC I've played PS4 games... more recently than you in fact. And you're JUST getting around to Ratchet and Clank (1 trophy) PS4.... right now... that's a 2016 game
  9. If PS games come to PC 2-3 years later.... you and I might get around to playing them at the same time
  10. They're coming as well. ❤️
  11. I forgot Sony games come with expiration dates Whatever helps you sleep at night
  12. (Play this track and then slowly scroll down)
  13. Yea, there's a proxy mesh created underneath that is used for Lumen. You can see how the mesh materializes essentially in certain cases. Still early days too.
  14. There's a bug currently which is causing that. If you have a compiled version of the demo, depending on the settings the person chose when they compiled it, you might be able to open the command console with the ` key. If you can, and you want to change your resolution, just type "r.setres 3840x2160f" or any resolution you want, and it will change it. You can also use "pause" and "fov ___" to change the FOV. There's also "r.screenpercentage ____" I think that's the command.. and you can run at a lower internal resolution which then makes use of the temporal upscaler.
  15. Yeah, I do like Joyner a lot... same with J Cole. Kendrick has his moments, and same with Em IMO. But yea.. I love this song.
  16. Not even going to lie... I REALLY fuck with this song... god damn the beat is 🔥
  17. Really sorry to hear that man. Mental illness is some real shit. I can imagine how you're feeling right now, but just know in your heart that what everyone is saying is right. There's nothing you could have done, and you didn't know. That's what's so tough about dealing with friends and family suffering from mental illness/depression. It can be impossible and very hard to spot until it's too late. Is a vicious thing and sometimes the more you try to help, the worse things can get. The only thing you can do now is keep that person in your memory and cherish the time you had to
  18. The shit people will create with this is going to be crazy
  19. Not related to Marvell's announcement, but Seagate is holding an online event about PCIe Gen4 in gaming.. "diving into the future of gaming tech", and PCIe Gen4's "full throttle gameplay".. Hmm, I wonder what that means? There's nothing out there currently taking advantage of Gen4 NVMe drives in gaming. Maybe some insight into DirectStorage, and AMD/Nvidia's GPU based decompression? Probably just nothing of course.
  20. Could be a decent/good show.... depending on how well the games show. If Halo has an improved and more better presentation than last time, that will go a long way to making the show great. Forza Horizon 5 is the game that Klobrille said would show off the power of Series X... so I'm hoping against hope that it includes a lot of the improvements to the engine that they're making for the next Motorsport, and the car materials and shaders have been improved as well. I would be insanely disappointed if it uses the same car models and materials/textures as before. It's obviously goin
  21. Now he's almost exclusively talking about me.. and not the subject of the thread And he's gonna keep doing it because it can't end at this post of mine... he HAS to post another post... continuing his Jerry-go-round that he started. And this is all because he simply couldn't just talk about the topic without trying to troll and bait
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