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Everything posted by Remij

  1. You're really fucking stupid. So stupid that 4 people in this thread are laughing at you dodging the question over and over and over again. Like you just tried to do here again. So stupid that you can't even answer a dead ass simple question. Here, let me give you an example of a response: It's like me asking "Would you ban this game if you yourself owned the store?" and give an example like Valve banning the Super Seducer games. And you are responding "Well ackshullay Valv cann do wha they wann wit dere stor, you see tehy has da rit
  2. "No it won't be fully supported on PC." And I was right, it was fully supported within the first 6 months LMFAO WRONGhurey (and again... LMFAO Metro supports it on PC before it even supports it on PS5 )
  3. Biomutant is using a PS4 back compat mode for their PS5 version until they can get the game fixed... as they cited "technical issues" with the native PS5 version. Now this: Obviously, 2 dev teams citing technical issues doesn't mean there's a fundamental problem.. but perhaps they're using older PS5 dev kits which have been patched or changed something which is now causing an issue they must fix before release? That's my guess. Perhaps the issues Capcom were having were related to this back when RE8 was in mid develop
  4. You said it would never happen Fucking idiot, wrong again And Metro EE supports it on PC before it even did on PS5
  5. No... you didn't. Stating what you COULD do... is not stating what you WOULD do. Idiot. Fucking retarded dumbass. Moron. Dipshit.
  6. It's some of the outright scummiest shit. Sheep will eat it up too, and they'll defend Nintendo. It's smart though. This version of the game will have cost them practically nothing to create, and they'll be selling it for what amounts to ~$100... and it will sell millions. Another record breaking quarter for Nintendo
  7. Honestly... it's a good game.. but yea, after thinking about the entire thing more... it's not a good Resident Evil game. Neither is 7. Both fine games on their own... but as far as RE goes... they're veering off too far. I swear if RE9 gets revealed and there's like 5 characters shown and they're obviously the bosses of the game... I'm going to be pissed lmfao. Also, I don't want any more "stalking from room to room" type enemies/bosses. It's cool, but Capcom is CLEARLY just reusing that concept over and over again.. and each time they do, it gets less and less invo
  8. Even if that's the case... if "that base" wants the game on Steam.. then what's the problem with it? Both sides are attempting to bring attention to Steam's policy being iffy. Saying "well, you can just go get the game on a different store, or wherever he releases it"... which is true... but in that case... again the question.. Why not Steam? Seems dumb of Valve to deny games that can just as easily be released elsewhere on an open platform. Considering the amount of pure trash that's on the store, and sex and anime hentai shit... it doesn't really line up when you think about i
  9. That's exactly what he does... in EVERY argument. Just keep saying stuff like "oh man, he doesn't know what to do" and repeats the jerry-go-round again and again until people stop.. then he thinks he's won.
  10. And if it was YOUR store? Can you answer that question you stupid fuck? You know... the question people have been asking you multiple times now and you keep dodging
  11. LMFAO all your friends left you... and you're talking to yourself... How very Jeff Gerstmann of you
  12. No... the question ISN'T answered you dumb fuck. You just said it yourself... YOU... are defending THEIR CHOICE. What would YOUR choice be... regarding the game.. on your own store. It's very simple.
  13. Jerry... care to answer the fucking question? Nobody is asking whether you think Steam is within their rights to do it or not... they are asking you if YOU think it should be (for the sake of censorship) I know it's hard... but TRY to form your own thought about this one..
  14. Just keep going... 4 more posts.. then I'll hit him with another go-round - Jerry
  15. ^omg.. he failed to convince anyone like I said... so he's now in a Jerry-go-round trying to convince me that he's convinced someone else I better not see you talk about Skyward Sword HD... cause that shit no longer counts
  16. ^now he's trying....specifically because I told him he wasn't going to bother trying. He just admitted that he has a complete lack of self awareness in the process
  17. At least your smart enough to not even bother to try. It shows me you're at least self aware Unfortunately for you though, since ports of old games don't count... you just lost 3/4's of the Switch's entire library. Nintendo's big game for the summer is the 10 year old Zelda: Skyward Sword HD.... with the bonus of a fast travel feature being locked behind a $25 amiibo Idiot sheep will pay full price for it too! + $25 piece of plastic to unlock fast travel
  18. You're going to have a hard time to convince anyone that post is anything but you being completely fucking buttblasted that it's exclusively NOT on Switch
  19. RE8 just came out ME:LE just came out Days Gone PC just came out all this month.. Yea, so desperate for a game to come I mean, you're the real desperate desperate one here... you've barely touched your PS5 at all since January
  20. And I'm sure you thought you would be playing SMT5, Bayonetta 3, and Metroid Prime 4 by now too.........
  21. From 3 years ago. The game will be shown in 3 weeks time. And this was the game Sony was trying to buy PS exclusivity for
  22. It was a concerned look for sure... you're right about that. Concerned about all the butthurt PS fanboys that are going to be BIG MAD about no PS version
  23. It's right there... in that tweet. All the context necessary is right there... according to Goukosan.
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