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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Wait... LMFAO... you've been fucking lying this entire time However, according to producer Tsuyoshi Kanda, Capcom did not decide to release the game on last-gen platforms until after Village was announced in June last year. “We developed Village as a game for next-gen hardware, but in order to make it accessible to more players, we went through a lot of trial and error to somehow provide a comparable experience on last-gen hardware,” Kanda told IGN. “In the end, we were able to deliver a high-quality product for last-gen hardware as well. That being said, if the quality hadn
  2. Nope, too bad for you. It's a game with 1440p single mode, and 900p dual mode. The vast majority of the game is those 2 resolutions.... The ENTIRETY of Reblurnal is 1080p blurred and stippled 1080p single scene resolution in 2021...
  3. ^he actually admitted what I just accused him of doing OMFG ... and he thinks he's won
  4. Capcom actually came out and said it.... and you're trying SO FUCKING HARD to deny it.... because you've literally spent the last year arguing against this It's absolutely hilarious
  5. Now he's copying me because he literally has nothing to say. He just wants to run this in circles... again and again and again... just like Returnal... literally going through the same motions over and over again hoping to win
  6. Read again. I'll make it easier for you. So butthurt... he literally wants to argue all day about this....
  7. Phil runs Xbox.. Xbox makes PC games. You're just Butthurt2K21
  8. Maybe you need to learn comprehension? LOL And here's the rest of that post you ran away from again My source is Digital Foundry... and that's what the game runs at. 1440p half the time, 900p the other half.
  9. You said Satya was going to fire Phil Spencer... and here he goes again giving him more and more billions to play with "Pathetically failing" he says
  10. No, it hasn't. My source is Digital Foundry... and that's what the game runs at. 1440p half the time, 900p the other half. Again, outlier frames mean shit. What we know for certain, is that Returnal is 1080p ALL the time... then blurred and then stippled.. We also know you haven't really been playing your PS5 since January... You haven't played this game... and have no plans to... and you still haven't got a single trophy in Demon's Souls
  11. Stop the BS Kinda hard for me to be a Lemming without owning the console... This is a case of you not having any real response, so you just try to deflect It's taking you idiots a LONG time to come to the realization that Xbox means PC these days. What's hilarious, is that no one could have predicted that the Lemmings themselves would have accepted it far quicker DingleJehurey
  12. I don't need to debunk the screenshot. It runs in 1440p half the time, and 900p in half the other time. Outlier frames are meaningless. ReJehurnal runs at 1080p blurred to 1440p then stippled up to 4K ALL the time
  13. Take it up with Digital Foundry sweetie. 1080p, THEN upscaled 1440p, THEN stippled to 4K It's like you coming in this thread: Upset, THEN becoming mad, THEN getting majorly butthurt
  14. No, I didn't get it wrong. My own example is Digital Foundry And the game is 1440p single screen... and 900p with double instances running split screen... LOL Not one single 1080p blurry ass image upscaled then checkerboarded bubu teh particulz
  15. It's not even fucking Benji you fucking retarded clown.... the leaker is Dusk Golem... and they were completely true You can't even keep track of who the actual leaker was... and here you have Capcom OFFICIALLY corroborating what Dusk said
  16. First of all... no... The game runs at 1440p in single frame mode, and 900p in split frame mode. 2 instances of a game And no, they don't use the same technique... One uses the technique, and the other uses a mix of 2 techniques... one which blurs the image, and one which makes it grainy and ugly as fuck.. And it's a AAA game regardless of the meta dude Jesus
  17. 1080p then temporally upsampled (blurred) then checkerboarded (stipled) Rectblurnal
  18. Series X renders at 1440p in full screen and 900p in split mode. 50/50 of the game in each, that equals 1170p .. LMAO TCHBR Rectumnal developed around a solitary next gen console by a far more prominent developer can only muster 1080p
  19. Damn, that's far better for a machine with less than half the tflops of a PS5
  20. What a worthless post.. lmao. Capcom officially stated the game was next gen only... take your butthurt 2k21 elsewhere
  21. XSX has The Medium Oh wait, that runs higher than 1080p Xbox Series S has The Medium... LOL there you go
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