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Everything posted by Remij

  1. That's not what I think.. it's a fact that the game uses them. What we're trying to figure out is how much or little it can make a difference... It would help.... if you actually ran at the same settings as we did. Ok I saw you posted it. Thanks.
  2. It's not going to change... because you're GPU bound.. Just fucking run the 3700x and 5700XTA with 1080p RT ultra.... then do 1440p. Nobody gives a shit about anything else.
  3. Sure seems like it. I'm not campaigning... I'm predicting what's going to happen... because as I said... he's talking as if he wants it to happen... in this very thread. Gamecube (flop) Wii (success) WiiU (flop) Switch (success) ok
  4. It's a shame it's such a terrible docked mode experience. That means the game is a worse experience half the time. Which is ironic... because the docked mode should be the better experience considering more hardware resources are available to it. Makes me think if so much difference between docked mode and portable mode, they should really do separate reviews for each mode! They aren't going to do that though... which I guess means they are presenting their information with lowered standards across the board. It's a shameful thing
  5. Look at that. Gamespot says the docked version is trash. Just like Digital Foundry and myself. Nobody recommends playing this game docked on the Switch
  6. Exactly. He's literally saying "Ok MS... now stop releasing this... start doing this... and put more effort into this.. and things could change" Meaning he's back bumping X.
  7. Dude has ditched Nintendo before. Nintendo's next console can't be another WiiU level failure.. because if he's not gone before that... he's definitely splitting at that point bubu I hope Phil gets fired (he wants someone else to take over and recover the brand) bubu I hope they stop releasing games on these other platforms (he want exclusives on xbox again.. because he wants to be a lemming again) bubu I hope they get Japanese games again (dude just needs a Platinum Games game and one other exclusive and he's hyped again) No no... he's not hoping MS makes
  8. more like hopes and dreams that he doesn't from you Open your eyes to the signs dude.. I know it's hard when they're mostly squinting all the time trying to find detail in games on the ditch screen
  9. You're oblivious. At the first sign of positive Xbox momentum... he's enacting #ditchtheswitch The signs are all there... and the power and freshness of next gen consoles is going to compel him even further. I'm calling it like it is.
  10. That's what I said... he's not giving up hope. He's leaving little threads... it's clear as day.
  11. I'm a Hermit. I rep what benefits ME... and Xbox benefits me as a Hermit.
  12. He's begging for a reason to go back... I mean look at him. LMAO hyping Switch ports like The Witcher 3... You can see the pain in his posts Having to act like getting "2nd hand garbage" from Companies like Capcom is the WORST for him. He's riding sheep dick because it's SAFE for the moment... Once he gets a glimmer of hope... he's running back as fast as humanly possible. Dude is X.
  13. No. I'm calling a spade a spade. Dude is X to the bone. He's going through a midlife crisis right now.. but he'll sort it out That said.. I do hope MS comes back next gen and shoves their boot up the ass of everyone here who doubted them. That would be the most fun
  14. You'll buy an Scarlett and play Halo Infinite on day one. You're gonna love the new controller. The console will be a best. They're going to start pumping out the games again soon enough. When you see the Halo demo at E3... you'll cave. This is MASTER CHIEF'S story again. And you'll get over the fact that their games are on PC and best on there. Fight the console fight... not your MS Familia.
  15. I see you're not quite ready to cut that final little thread you have holding onto Xbox. Left it so you could find your way back home when the storm dies down. I see it
  16. He's definitely GPU limited the entire time at 1440p with his CPU. I'm still somewhat CPU limited at 1440p... not all the time.. but still most of the time. The only way to really rule both of them out would be for me and him to both run the test at 4K with RT off (both GPU limited)... and then after with RT on to see how much his CPU is helping his RT score compared to mine.
  17. Ah. I thought you had the 2500k. That proves I am more CPU limited still. I should be getting higher with RT off. I really should just bite the bullet and get a 3700x or 3900x.
  18. no Why would I be? I'm just explaining that the benchmark is using extra CPU cores for RT... so he SHOULD perform well, given his hardware. It's probably why I'm 3x faster than you with RT and only 2x without. My CPU has more threads than yours.
  19. lol no matter the resolution, or even RT on or off... his PC should do favorable compared to mine.. The game is designed to scale with cores... and because the bench uses the extra cores/threads for RT as well. So not only will his GPU not be bottlenecked, he'll have cores to spare to throw at the RT. He'll still be GPU limited though.
  20. It matters because the Ray tracing in this is using the extra cores of the CPU.
  21. It's gonna land high... because he has a CPU with 2x the cores that I do...
  22. Yea. Pretty consistent. Still a very limited demo though. It's neat... but nothing on the level that it could be with real GPU hardware acceleration. They'll need DXR for that.
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