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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. i don't see what the point is putting these on PC, these numbers woukd be triple or more on PS4. PC shouldn't have got shit, just give up already MS. Halo is destined for PlayStation sooner or later.
  2. seems like a poor time, within 11 months PS5 will be out and outclassing the spec of PCs, and it will actually have exclusive games.
  3. well times are changing, sony's being left behind in japan and switch has crushed the PS4 relentlessly, it's time for atlus to adapt to survive. Switch is #1 therefore it's time to move on. different circumstances.
  4. god dammit i better start saving now, another $300 collectors edition is surely on the way. if it's a nemesis statue i'll cry
  5. glad we can get this soft launch beta out of the way, now we can move on to news of the switch version.
  6. catherine full body got price slashed in half and it's the special launch edition
  7. it could be 2x as powerful but when all your devs are making kiddy cartoon shit like battleturds and everwilds it doesn't matter.
  8. they can't do Single Player can't do VR can't do Japanese games can't do 1st party exclusives can't do 3rd party exclusives can't get timed exclusive dlc can't do baseball can't do mature games can't do realistic artstyles or big blockbuster graphics keep ceding markets entirely, phil. great business strategy, i wonder why you're 3rd place??
  9. It's time for MS to just go away, honestly I'm sick of their shit. they're clinging to this industry by a thread, and the only thing they bring to the table is to water down the experiences we have now, take away retail and physical, infuse their sjw bullshit into every game and just make gaming worse in general. Seriously, Phil Spencer and his clown posse are cancer. Just downright morons who have no clue what they're doing, their entire business plan is just to sink the industry to their level. It's disgusting and it needs to be stopped. Fuck you Phil and MS.
  10. can't wait to see both Crap Life VR and Failo Effeminate get 7.0's or lower.
  11. bunch of crap lmao. ori, crap-life VR, gaylo, fucking flight sim Lmao!!!
  12. yeah fuck that, i can wait on ps5 for awhile because it's just going to be mediocre crap for the first year or two just like this gen. PS4 Pro will run the games fine enough. at best pS5 will launch with a throwaway exclusive like knack, and a bunch of shitty uprez'd multiplats.
  13. deadly premonition 2 nothing will top this year though
  14. look at this forum, most of the 'xbox' supporters are wearing orange names. they have no goodwill beyond the $1 PC beggars, they love MS because MS fucked over their customers and handed everything to PoC gamers on a silver platter. the only saving grace is that pretty much everything MS makes is sub 6.0 trash so PC gamers really didn't get much, just the hollowed out shell of gears and a few racing car non-games.
  15. nice! I remember boycotting this game after Vince Zampella slapped everyone who bought the first game in the face with the whole 'blue discs are sexier' fiasco on twitter now that Xbox sucks and lost me a customer i guess i'm over it
  16. wait til you see the horde for the first time, you'll shit your pants running. makes dead rising look like child's play.
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