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Everything posted by 102020393023445948594

  1. hell no i'm not trolling, both perfect 10 games along with RE2 and DMCV, 2019 goes down in history as the single best year for games.
  2. OMFG how awesome Two world class GOTG titles coming together. the pride and class of first party exclusives
  3. again, he's 85. You expect him to love taliban or even give two shits about their feelings? just goes to show who you can't criticize in canada. Insult minorities and face a life of solitude, fired and never work in this town again. Minorities are gods in canada and NEVER EVER will you criticize them!! Or else face the social consequence of disownership and banned from society+ fired + never work again even if you're an 85 yr old.
  4. he's german too, must be the only german in the country gaming on 'Bone. mental issues for sure.
  5. WOW! Know I'm late but this is a legitimate classic COD banger. The campaign is ace! MP is hard as hell now though, maybe it's because im 2 weeks late which is an eternity in COD MP time, so i keep getting hammered on until i learn the maps. But that campaign, damn! They really upped the graphics on this. looks incredible.
  6. another generic EA turd. it's only a matter of time before disney steps in and rips this license away from EA, they've utterly mismanaged it. Every release is botched garbage.
  7. they atleast had the decency to give their customers one timed exclusive game available no where else. that alone, even if it's exclusive for one day is more than MS managed. And this is a company with 0% market share and a console that's a fucking imaginary box.
  8. the only exclusive: ^ it's a full exclusive (no PC) so i think that puts Stadia above One X and Scarlett.
  9. the saddest part is the pins of multiplats on his hat, lucky tale, cuphead and ori. Lucky tale was the X's killer app at launch too This has become the saddest platfrom in history
  10. Nice. Nioh 2 special edition includes: full game. Steel book case. Art book. Season pass–redeemable on PlayStation store. Pre-Order the standard or special edition and receive: demon horde armor set. In-Game "sudama" accessory ps4 static theme. Psn avatar set march 13, one week after FF7
  11. yep, the pacing is spot on... constantly getting new abilities that expand the gameplay to new heights. technically this game is perfect. keep in mind it launched perfect with no bugs or huge patches either and it looks a gen ahead of everything else on the market. And Kojima pulled this off all in a 3 year span on someone else's engine. Add me to the GOTY list IGN's 6.8 another completely delegitimized site.
  12. i honestly think MS has already given up. they aren't even trying to go head to head with the ps5, shit they probably already have games lined up for it.
  13. i thought the same when i tried to replay the hd collection on xbox 360, the first game is a relic. you don't realize how far action game have come since it came out, plus remember it's clunky as hell because it was originally a resident evil game with tank controls. the only one in the collection that holds up is DMC3, and remember there's no checkpoints so dying at a boss = restarting the level from scratch. infuriating.
  14. https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2019-11-10-uk-charts-death-stranding-is-the-second-biggest-ps4-launch-of-2019 game is huge hit debuts at no. 2 behind modern warfare second-biggest new IP launch this year, days gone was 36% higher to be no. 1 new ip
  15. OOT kicked that game's ass and now it's a mere multiplat turd that's even on XBONE. and of course best on Switch, and available on cartridge too.
  16. -redacted could be a new studio or actually a surprise of some sort -Obsidian/Outer worlds Multiplat talk -SJW virtue signal presentation 12:30 -Sea of Z's (This game just won't die) -Bleeding Vadge (The fat girl hero shooter/multiplat) -Wasteland 3 (The PC dungeon crawler/isometric rpg/whatever the fuck these games are) Looking hot for your hermits.
  17. 160 million sales confirmed what's left of the xbox community will fold into the PS5
  18. can't wait until they re-release this game officially, in a real version, for non-conmen gamers.
  19. the game runs like shit and is unplayable on PoC so who really cares? here's the facts: PS4 offers content that will never be on Xdone or PEEC so that's pretty much all there is to it, best on PS4, somewhere in the middle on xloaf, and absolutely worst,broken, unplayable trash on PeeC.
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