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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. The end of curb at least I’ll always be able to watch the show and feel like I didn’t catch up to the actors age wise
  2. He won’t come in this thread and he knows exactly why “FIFA” (he can’t speak the word) SW’s biggest pussy
  3. @TLHBO it’s doing that reply bull shit again where it takes you to your notifications
  4. The game is 8 years old dude you were still posting tranny porn when this game released on Xbox
  5. Dude Sony just lost their CEO and nearly every top leadership position. Lmfao.
  6. God this forum owns so much more
  7. Sorry, Bethesda already said it’s their most successful launch, ever. He’s hurt, LMAO!!!
  8. No shit moron. But it’s the most played Bethesda launch of all time… so obviously there are more people playing it than FO had. They’re just not on Steam, you fucking sped.
  9. No, it’s not a lie. 6 million players and 300k on steam makes it very obvious.
  10. I need to get around to this. So many fucking games releasing this and next month.
  11. Ok- that has nothing to do with what we are talking about. The reason steam numbers are lower than Fallout is because most people are playing through GP.
  12. That’s because it’s on Gamepass. It’s already Bethesda’s most successful launch of all time.
  13. Lmfao Jerry doesn’t accept any bets. Neither does fire coward.
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