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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. Impressive port though! @Goukosan
  2. Good. Now that the Battle Royale games market has already been saturated maybe publishers/studios will start making real games.
  3. Uses TAA to clean up jagged edges but further blurs the already extremely low resolution 30 FPS which can drop into the low 20's with horrible frame pacing (think FromSoftware bad) Low resolution textures Reduced foliage Reduced environmental assets Reduced environmental geometry Reduced reflections Reduced shadows Removed ambient occlusion Reduced LoD on distant objects and draw in FMV's in place of real time cutscenes Possible audio glitches causing cutting in and out
  4. It looks like shit. Digital Foundry thinking it "sometimes" looks good doesn't validate anything. Impressive port though. Uses TAA to clean up jagged edges but further blurs the already extremely low resolution 30 FPS which can drop into the low 20's with horrible frame pacing (think FromSoftware bad) Low resolution textures Reduced foliage Reduced environmental assets Reduced environmental geometry Reduced reflections Reduced shadows Removed ambient occlusion Reduced LoD on distant objects and draw in FMV's in place o
  5. This is concept art from a canceled project when they moved on to develop Horizon Zero Dawn.
  6. I'd say keep it around to play Microsoft's IPs and trade it in when their next box launches.
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