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Everything posted by Ike

  1. It's not gonna have the durability as the 3080 but for $400 that some great performance.
  2. Whenever I finally get a PS5, I'm gonna get the ultimate edition. I may as well replay my GOTY 2018 in that beautiful new engine.
  3. Well that's what happens when you don't have any new games at launch.
  4. Tetris Effect isn’t best on Xbox. It doesn’t have VR. X loses again.
  5. Prior statement still stands. Series X has the worst launch line-up ever.
  6. This thread is as pathetic as Series X's launch line-up.
  7. @-GD-XI think a lot of the Yakuza games are on GamePass now too.
  8. Anything new and tech is really hard to find right now honestly.
  9. Ace Combat, series with some of the best OSTs of ALL TIME! FTFY
  10. BOTW is hailed as one of the greatest games ever and one of the best launch titles for a new console ever. Halo Infinite is an internet meme and a running joke everywhere.
  11. BUT WHAT ABOUT SWITCH!!!! It had a brand new Zelda game that was cross gen sure, but Xbox couldn't even put out Halo since it was an absolute joke and looked like a mobile game.
  12. This thread is just DC doing damage control and bullshitting himself to make XSX not look like the most pathetic and useless console launch ever.
  13. The games they do put out are usually average at best as well.
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