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Hot Sauce

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Everything posted by Hot Sauce

  1. I would assume not, but that deductive reasoning doesn't really work considering it doesn't hold up against the counter-point that the situation wouldn't have happened if they were.
  2. Gross. And Oregon is an at will employment state so I wouldn't be so sure anything comes of the firings.
  3. Pillars of Eternity 2 installed. Various flavored water pitchers made. Chinese food on speed dial. My body is ready for the weekend.
  4. Saw it earlier today and loved it. Once that movie got going it just didn't stop and it was so intense. Only thing that I didn't like was seeing it in theatres instead of just waiting to watch it at home. A bad audience will kill parts of that movie and this stupid cunt of a woman a few rows ahead of my wife and I would just say "Oh my gosh" every time you could see the monsters up close and practically yelled it when Emily Blunt hurt herself. There must have also been a bird flu outbreak or something because every 5 seconds at least 2-3 people would cough.
  5. Horizon 3 is just so fucking good. It's everything I could want in a racing game with a progression system that makes every minute of playtime feel meaningful. Nothing says fun like drifting a cargo van around at corner at 150 mp/h.
  6. Picked up an Xbox One yesterday and played some Sea of Thieves last night. You just don't get an appreciation for how much of a mess that game is without playing it because oh boy is that thing hot garbage. I think even calling it early access is a bit of an insult to early access games because at least in a lot of those there is a semblance of systems that need to be fleshed out or iterated on or just fixed up, but Sea of Thieves has fucking nothing. I just can't believe that is a first-party game with clearly a lot of money behind it because it feels like a much prettier version of like a mo
  7. I had been neglecting the guns for hire/companions because I thought they'd fuck up trying to be stealthy, but I got so tired of the heavy gunplay story missions that I figured it was worth it and they help out a tonne. They also seem to be invisible to enemies and I feel kinda stupid in hindsight for not expecting that they wouldn't have addressed that, or that I could have just manually told them to stay put even if they hadn't. The world is so beautiful and there's just so much stuff going on. Spent like two hours fishing this morning finding all the different kinds of fish in J
  8. Four day weekend. Can't wait to celebrate Jesus' res timer with some Far Cry 5.
  9. Completed all the B-Sides and the first 2 chapters' C-Sides. Celeste.
  10. They're so good. There's one level in the B-side for chapter 6 that is just so fucking incredibly well designed and rewarding I didn't want to complete it. I thought Remij was nuts with the praise after I finished up the campaign and figured I'd just give the B-sides a shot, but oh fucking man I think he might even be underselling it at this point.
  11. Beat Celeste. It was way more puzzle-y than I expected and some of the chapters were a little ehhh, but I still enjoyed it. Switch joycons are trash.
  12. I went in wanting to hate it and still dropped 50 hours into it lol Gonna give Celeste my time this weekend as I've heard it's an okay game from places that certainly isn't this thread and certainly not by Remij.
  13. Best part of the game, easy. "Shooting star? Try shooting par. The tour don't play handicaps, brah."
  14. Finished up Golf Story. Such a great game. Just makes me wonder why Nintendo doesn't go back to the Mario Tennis/Golf RPGs they had on GB/GBA.
  15. Gave Golf Story a shot after all the praise here and I'm loving it. Such a satisfying, fun little game. Got so mad at the stupid coach and his terrible tee shots in that 2v2 match.
  16. It only gets worse when you unlock augmentation. Have fun.
  17. You have to save it to an item loadout from the 'Change Equipment' -> 'Manage Loadouts' menu when you're at an item box.
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