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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. hmmmm you have artistic skills and you liked the movie moon? you are a-ok in my book (moon owned).
  2. yeah, surprising, don't be a pervert and treat women like equals while still being a gentlemen instead of objects you'd like to fuck and you'd be amazed at who finds you attractive lol when does your Intro to Philosophy class end? this shit is getting unbearable
  3. hey i found her to be sexy. no shame in my game, even if she's a midget who weighs 40 lbs. and zwarrior turning down women like that model thanks for the laugh. Wasn't she actually a he? A polio ridden transvestite who had love for DDR even better!
  4. hey i found her to be sexy. no shame in my game, even if she's a midget who weighs 40 lbs. and zwarrior turning down women like that model thanks for the laugh.
  5. i'm only on chapter 4, but i'm very intrigued by its mystery
  6. lighten up. she's probably dead now...so i doubt she cares.
  7. angel, you playing layton? it's pretty damn good, so far.
  8. i don't get it Look at Orion's gf. oh It's the skin color and style of smile.
  9. Lol im glad I wasn't the only one who knew where Chris was going with that post.
  10. i thought zwarrior had a good look before the weight loss (no homo). he isn't a bad looking dude. just too skinny now.
  11. body fat % is far more impressive than weight, when you gauge fat loss. a good physique is one that's lean, with good muscle definition.
  12. i don't suck. she made a funny joke. stop being so sensitive. i have had peeps here poke fun at me and i always find it funny. no need in getting bent out of shape.
  13. LOL stop being jealous you're right, going to the gym for 30 mins and calling it a day will work wonders instead, the people working there make a living off it so it must be true what they say to get your money LMFAO
  14. hey brown walrus, a lot of NO supplements are a waste of money. you can get all the l-arginine you need from a few servings of almonds, or just taking an l-arginine supplement. it essentially converts to nitric oxide, which is what all of these other supplements promote. it's a far cheaper and effective alternative. the reason why they make you feel "pumped" to work out, is because they have stimulants. just drink a cup of black coffee before you train. creatine definitely gives a solid edge.
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