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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. It was a ghostz PS5 backfire thread now it's a Ghostz iOS self ownage thread... Lol
  2. Blind promises are when you talk about passing bills for 4 years and the bill doesn't even get proposed... Trump promised a bill for the wall and Mexico will pay for it.. Mexico didn't pay for shit.. No Bill. Q He promised infustructure.... 4 years no bill. He promised bringing manufacturing back from China... 4 years nothing. Biden has already delivered on all 3 of those things in less than half the time. Plus he delivered on his own bills from his agenda. We're already seeing the results of the infrastructure
  3. Well seeing intially the stunt was about illegals.. Only to find out they're not actually illegals. Then to find out he lured them on the plane. Oh don't forget he misused funds that's to be used in Florida.... He went into another state ACROSS THE COUNTRY to Texas to pull this stunt. And before you say the weren't lured... Read below and weep.
  4. What is with you and Cooke having the memory of gnat?
  5. I'll be enjoying my electrical vehicle next year and save hundreds if not thousands of dollars on gas. I'll also be enjoying the fact that America will now be the number one chip manufacturing nation in the world. I'll also be enjoying the improvements and modernization to our infustructure across the nation.
  6. You do know this stunt backfired in DeSantis face right? On multiple levels.
  7. Cooke this is like the 10th time you created this dumbass type of thread these last few years.... Go bump either one of them where you stopped replying after getting curbed stomped. My same responses in those other threads apply here. You're back regurgitating the shit in a different thread rinse and repeat
  8. He has a few more of these to catch up to Trump with dead names gafes... Now imagine if he was going that and not getting any bills passed You elect leaders to get stuff done. He has already passed so many great legislations in just two short years
  9. To you it would be the best thing since sliced bread like a starved man eating crumbs because you didn't have it for over a decade... Enjoy your decade old copy features
  10. "innovate to iOS, Old hat to Android" Quotes from the article on iOS 16 "new features" 1) Multiple stops in maps - "It’s a very handy feature that Android has had since around 2017." 2) Unsend emails "Gmail has had an unsend since about 2018" 3) Apple live captions - "In fact, Android has had a Live Caption function since 2019 and currently provides immediate translations for those captions in several languages" 4) keyboard haptic feedback - "Let’s chalk this one up to the “How has it taken this long?” tally of features, and we’l
  11. And Fast forward to now, Apple copies Samsung with each "new" iOS update.
  12. Im. Still laughing that you accused Samsung of copying from itself... How stupid are you
  13. Enjoy your hand me down samsung features on your iPhone that I've had for years upon years
  14. The beta also updates old features like this that were there since 2019 and older to work with the new OS Ghostz boasting about Apple copies entire feature and designs from Samsung
  15. I've had it in Goodluck since 2019, no need to wait for an update. Changes made in Goodlock are applied at a system level.. Because it's a Samsung app for Samsung galaxy phones. I'll probably keep this phone until 2024.
  16. The "apple displays" are Samsung displays. The iPhone 14 released 9 months after the latest Galaxy so it has the latest screen. In Feb the newest Galaxy will have a better screen than the 14. Ghostz is not too bright.. Lol
  17. That's a screen shot from my galaxy S10 dumbass, have had that feature since I bought the phone in 2019 3 years before iOS 16.
  18. That topic Switch signals your defeat. Good day you sir, thanks for trying and failing
  19. Apple copied the entire lock screen interface from Samsung OS and from Samsung's Goodluck app for Galaxy phones. Have had this feature natively on my GS since 2019, those who had GS8s in 2017 had this as well. And if I wanted even more customization I could use the galaxy Goodluck app. You itards have no shame, just enjoy your years old features and be happy. Next year for iOS 17 when you get live call screens or live lock screen you'll also proclaim that samsung copied it's own features from Apple
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