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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. There you go being easily duped again. You have right wing members of congress placing known pedo sympathizers on their staff. "Despite Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene accusing colleagues of supporting pedophiles or "groomers," the Georgia Republican hired Milo Yiannopoulos, the right-wing agitator accused of condoning pedophilia" " Yiannopoulos, a British far-right commentator and former Breitbart News editor fell from grace in 2017 after comments he made calling sex between older men and 13-year-old boys "life-affirming" resurfaced online. And now,
  2. Tucker literally did a segment defending the incel mass shooter. Saying it's the women's fault that he turned out to be an incel
  3. Is she taking men away from you? Unless you're trying to fuck guys who cares that women have more results than men. You do know that's how it is in real life right? That's why you have to throw out a wide net, you will bring in some women. But you have to try. Sitting home sulking that a woman gets hit on more than you isn't helping you in any way shape or form.
  4. It's actually the opposite. More women started using it because of the pandemic that gave us men more options and variety of women to select from. These apps are actually advantageous for men. ESPECIALLY bumble where the woman has to make the first move. Stop watching incel shit and go out there, live your life and meet some women.
  5. First few minutes of the vid... There's a graph showing that if you're a male 7 you're equal to a female 3 on a dating app..... What kinda rating system is that, like life's an RPG or something... How the fuck did he even come up with that graph? Not even wasting my time to watch the rest of that shit. Truth be told dating apps make it much easier to meet tons of women outside of the one's you would run into during your daily life. Throw out a wide net and you're sure to reel in women on the app. Obviously you still have to not be socially awkward to clo
  6. Facts... Didn't even watch the video yet but this is the truth regardless.
  7. Musk doesn't own Twitter as yet. There isn't anything to argue about as that's a fact. What's going to happen either way is he is going to lose billions, he will either lose the suit and pay the 44 billion for a company he does not want to purchase anymore. Or he will still have to play billions for breaking the clause and still not own the company because he pulled out. This is potentially one of the biggest self ownage of all times by Musk
  8. The only butthurt one is you, I wasn't even involved in your stupid ownership argument because it was beyond retarded. You guys were arguing just to argue when it was quite obvious he didn't own Twitter as yet. It was not good as done just at that point. Between then and now both parties could have agreed to walk away because nothing was finalized in April. Fast forward months later to today and now he is trying to pull out of the deal that still is final. If he already owned it in April and didn't want it anymore he would be looking to sell Twitter now i
  9. Twitter feels so threatened by the fact that he might unban Trump and other conservatives that Twitter is now suing Musk to COMPLETE THE PURCHASE of Twitter that he is trying to pull out of.... Who's the one running scared now? This might turn out to be one of the biggest self owns in over a century.. To the tune of over 44 billion... Lmfao Musk lmfao
  10. What were you clowns saying? It's July and Musk wants to pull out of the deal.... If he already owns it as you clowns said how he did all the way in April when he simply made an offer... Seems like he did not actually own it as yet even up to this day?
  11. It's about damn time. https://gamerant.com/e3-2023-los-angeles-pax-reed-pop/
  12. "Bbbut I hedged my bets... And despite all that... In the end I could still see it happening.
  13. Wall of text... Damn.. LemiJ's upset Bbbut I could see this happening.... I swearz it There's nothing to argue clown 🤡... What you saw happening did not happen. The End
  14. No wonder those incels on this board love Tucker so much
  15. Remij - "Bbbut I didn't say it" Gouko posts what he said. Remij - "Ok I did say it.... Bbbut what I did say didn't mean it would actually happen, just that I could see it happening" Shut your bitch ass up. If it did happen your ass would have been the first to make a thread declaring how right you were because you saw it happening. You were wrong, move on. The end.
  16. And lemmings seeing a 24 FPS trailer two years ago thinking it was actually gameplay, only for them to find out later it was just a target render
  17. "I could see that Happening" he said. LemiJ
  18. Bbbbbbut LemiJ said it was delayed until 2023
  19. New Witnesses have come forward AKA more people from within Trump's Circle have voluntarily decided to testify. Ramza :"WTF is with this North Korea style overreach of power?"
  20. Look at this clown ass responding to something that wasn't said 🤡. You already admitted you don't know what's going on and don't care to know what's going on. You're an ignorant, Low information easily duped dumbass.
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