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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. That was some nice self ownage there Twinblade, once again you post something without reading it... What a dumbass. So again, you think you know more about what Ukraine wants than Ukraine themselves
  2. He literally said the European sanctions came to late. He literally said he hopes other nations followed US with the sanctions. (US was first) He also literally said he is pleased with the US sanctions. He literally said he agreed with the US sanctions.
  3. Ukraine is pleased with the sanctions as Zelensky said himself. So you do think you know what Ukraine wants more than Ukraine themselves
  4. How did those people get into office?
  5. You're not into living in other people's imagination? That's interesting. Aren't you a gay man? Aren't you living in the imagination that it's natural to be gay? Isn't society now living with that imagination that it's now natural to be gay and it's accepted. You can now live freely as a gay man because everyone else is living within that imagination. Gay people fought, were killed and prosecuted for decades for you to be able to live freely as you do now. The same arguments you're making now against trans people was the same
  6. Twincel dropped that "Bbbut the sanctions aren't helping" BS real quick and moved on to another thing The deal with Europe that Trump couldn't get done, it burns him that Biden got it done. It burns him that Biden cut off Russian gas and oil exports. It burns him not because he wants Russia to win, it burns because he is running out of shit to complain about in regards to the US handling of this situation.
  7. Read my updated post again. Here ill post it again. Did you read your own link? .... He said EUROPE applied it too late... He was happy when the US did it first and hoped other countries would soon follow... As his tweet said. Ukraine agrees with the sanctions by the US... Unless you think you know more about what Ukraine wants than Zelensky himself. The tweet from the chief of staff was referring to Trump aka the previous administration. Did you forget Trump withheld aide from Ukr
  8. Ukraine agrees that the sanctions are helpful. Unless you think you know more about the situation in Ukraine that Zelensky himself? Soo umm... You were saying?
  9. And Yet just like the infustructure bill.. Trump couldn't get it done again. But Biden did
  10. Tulsi was on Hannity last night saying America shouldn't give Ukraine anymore aide because we've given them enough in the past... And that Ukraine should just surrender at this point. Does Tulsi count as a liberal? @Cookeshe can't help herself but spout Russian propaganda over and over and over
  11. @Twinblade Biden negotiates a deal to be the number 1 supplier of energy to all of Europe moving forward Ukraine war drives US, EU deal to undercut Russian energy Talking to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, Biden said the core issue was “helping Europe reduce its dependency on Russian gas as quickly as possible.” And Europe, which relies on Moscow for 40% of the natural gas used to heat homes, generate electricity and drive industry, needs the help. The United States and the European Union have announced a new partnership to
  12. Nintendo also added it to their SDK for Switch and didn't make a public announcement like MS did. MS knows it's base are downtrodden insecure slobs that need constant reassurances and would cling on to any little thing to feel good about Xbox
  13. Be specific, a while ago when? how early should Biden have announced that? You mean around the time when he said even before Russia invaded that if they did invade very harsh sanctions would be coming there way....you mean earlier than that? Hey at least you're finally on board with the sanctions You do know that 15 republicans in the house voted against Russian oil ban? You also do know that Republicans stalled the Bill in the senate too right? Because it would give Biden latitude later to further strip Russia as a trade partner with the US.
  14. AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) 2.0 is open source, of course it will work on PS5 too. MS probably just has a marketing deal or some shit, you know they love to waste money. It works on PlayStation too. When AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) 1.0 it also had that same announcement for Xbox consoles..... But that shit also work on PlayStation and even Switch. Lmfao at lemmings getting excited for what basically amounts to a marketing deal, turns out MS does actually know their base well
  15. Dat BS spin Funny how when Trump were president you didn't once post any of the zillion loony shit the right did. You would only post anti woke stuff that popped up on your RSS feeds. Not very centrist of you huh?
  16. You didn't make the thread but were quick to jump in and cosign it You claim to be a centrist but somehow never comment on the constant never ending lunacy of the right
  17. Stupid shit like the masks will stay on kids forever!!?!? Which turned out to not be true
  18. No comments from the "Centrist" @Cooke about the loony right? Shocking!!!!!
  19. That was the Right wing position just two weeks ago.... Now the spin is it's the liberals who wanted it? This slimy bastard Twinblade is something else.
  20. Finally his Trump delusions came to the forefront... I see you stopped presenting You spent weeks inadvertently praising the effects of the sanctions without you realizing you were, once I pointed that out... Now you're doing everything in your power to not praise the effects anymore. The US also cut off importing Russian oil.... Curiously you made no comment on that x when for the first few days off the conflict you swore it was the right thing to do, and Biden was wrong for not doing it... And once he announced they were doing it..... You got pretty silent.
  21. Do you need someone to explain to you why Russia not being able to replenish new tanks to replace the destroyed ones is a good thing for Ukraine?
  22. And now they don't have the materials to build new tanks because of the sanctions
  23. Let me know how it is. Plan to pick it up later.
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