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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. rent phones, TVs, headphones etc.... anything his poor ass can't afford
  2. Bro I almost fell out my chair..... this explains alot about him now. That's like Adults who live at home with their parents talking about they don't understand how people can't survive on minimal wage jobs and the economy is not so bad etc. MFer... you still live home with Mommy... go eat a fruit snack and sit down somewhere.
  3. "I pay my fair share" 🤣 Trump has driven the deficit higher than even before...to the Trillions. Lmfao at someone in 2020 actually believing that the Republicans are the one's who care about keeping spending down
  4. When facts slaps you in your face you could care less. 🤣 What's your source for the documents have been found? Again you're breaking the rules of the political board. "claims need to be backed up w/ links"
  5. @Cooke (not admin cant help why did you run away immediately bro? Lmfao. You always post dumb shit... get curb stomped.... run out the thread.... pop up in another thread pretending that you forgot the facts that were presented to you.... rinse and repeat. You're a total clown show now 🤡
  6. Yea I saw that.... he had papers in his hand claiming it was hard evidence..... but he didn't show it in air.... he told her she has to come to his office to see it..... and when she didn't believe his story without the evidence..... he lost his shit🤣
  7. You're still avoiding the question about what about the story was True? and where is the verified proof? Fox had to admit the email show nothing and then back out and say the lost the other hard evidence.
  8. They didn't name drop Fed Ex or any carrier because then their lies could be verified. They said "large national carrier" or some shit so.. lol
  9. And they all amounted to nothing.... everytime its time to actually vet or provide the evidence.... it "gets lost" or they print the retraction but bury it quickly 🤣 Ex-Hunter Biden associate's records don't show proof of Biden business relationship "Fox News has reviewed emails from Bobulinski related to the venture — and they don't show that the elder Biden had business dealings with SinoHawk Holdings, or took any payments from them or the Chinese." Lmfao Cooke lmfao
  10. ok, yes they have a third party platform called PSN Now.
  11. Through paying for PSN Now. PSN Now is the platform.
  12. The end result is its playable on Switch with RTX.
  13. What about the story was True? Where is the verified proof? Again did you miss when Fox themselves reviewed the info and determined it was nothing?
  14. What? have you been living under a rock? lol The emails were reviewed by Fox and all the media outlets and they concluded that there was no incriminating evidence. The Senate republican intelligence committee investigates this for months and came to the conclusion that Joe Biden did nothing wrong. And just last night after claiming for weeks that they had hard evidence.... Tucker Carlson had to go in national TV and claim the evidence was lost 🤣
  15. Me explaining why it's not a legal issue =/= me being ago with it. Just fact check the lies he posts since he is a public official and put fact checks disclaimers on it. He should only be banned if he breaks the rules over and over.
  16. It's clear you don't understand what freedom of the press or Freedom of speech is. It has nothing to do with being free publish false stories. It's about a free press that wouldn't get jailed or killed for criticism of the government. Lmfao Cooke lmfao.
  17. There would be no legal issue. Twitter is a private company. Social Media is not a right. It would be a moral issue and a PR issue.
  18. Awww don't be mad because the story was false just like I told you..... Not our fault you're gullible.
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