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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Minecraft sells more on PC. Minecraft also costs 6.99 which is a very mobile friendly price. AAA console games don't cost 6.99, they're not mobile friendly priced. And you're confusing money made off micro transactions with sales of a game.
  2. That's cute, nice little bump that's already dropped to 46% week 2. It's already trending downwards. By week 3 and 4 it will be down 20 something and then flat. If Starfield had delivered on its promise of being a certified Banger it could have turned things around for Xbox.
  3. Is RE4 etc free to play like Genshin or like COD mobile? Free to play games make bank on mobile because the phone users get roped in with micro transactions and the devs also make money off ads. Your initial point was that RE4 will sell more on iPhone than traditional consoles. RE4 isn't free to play, traditional games sell less and make less on phones than free to play games.
  4. Mc Carthy tried to please the MAGA clowns but they're still not happy.... After he announced he wants to do an impeachment inquiry without a formal from the house.... The MAGA clowns are now threatening to have Mc Carthy removed Republicans are in disarray.. Love to see it It gets better. "In January 2020, the Donald Trump-led Justice Department formally declared that impeachment inquiries by the House are invalid unless the chamber takes formal votes to authorize them" Republicans a
  5. Apple had to comply by 2024 or they can't sell phones in Europe anymore. New EU rules require all phones sold after autumn 2024 to use the USB-C connector for their charging ports. Firm (Apple) says it has no choice but to switch from proprietary Lightning port to the USB standard in EU
  6. A thunderbolt 4 port in a phone? The only reason Apple was forced to adopt USB C is because it's a standardized port. They lost that anti-consumer law suit in Europe and to be able to continue sell phones in Europe post 2023 they had to adopt a standard port.
  7. Only the 15 pro gets usb 3.0 speeds... All other models got shafted. My base model GS10 from 5 years ago came with USB C With each release apple is widening the gap in features between the base model and the pro.
  8. If you're getting a base 14 you might as well get the 13 pro... Since the base 14 is literally just a 13 pro in a 14 chassis.
  9. Me saying the date is wrong is not a defense. Still trying hard and failing I see.
  10. That was a huge red flag when MS were cherry picking outlets to review the game early.
  11. Did you miss where I said he got the date wrong? That's not a defense...that's an admission that he got the date wrong. But as I said he was at Ground Zero a few days later. I won't do what you do and deep throat all the blatant lies that RFK spews You're trying so hard and failing
  12. "Oh look and now he lied about being on ground zero" See what we mean by you messing up easy lay ups. He didn't lie about being at ground Zero.. He was there. Yes he got the date wrong, but he was at ground Zero a few days after the attacks.
  13. You cannot be this dumb.... Oh wait yes you are
  14. Wide open lay up and he missed it... Lmfao Cooke lmfao.
  15. You posting out of context edited videos like you did in the OP and trying to pass it off as legit is dishonest. I don't care if it was Biden, RFK Jr or Trump I would point it out. You can make your point without being a dishonest dirt bag. It's like you can't have an honest discourse if your pathetic life depended on it. Try making an honest point for once in your life.
  16. Cooke what with your obsession with posting edited videos that cut out the entire context? See below for entire speech transcript. https://www.c-span.org/video/?530300-1/president-biden-holds-news-conference-vietnam See below for the video of the entire speech. https://www.c-span.org/video/?530300-1/president-biden-holds-news-conference-vietnam A reporter asked about climate change and the lack of consensus. See below for the context of the answer, unedited too. Ye
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