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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Sub 720p and 30fps. Is that not what you typed? So that's the bet.
  2. Nah don't add extra shit now. 30fps and Sub 720p like you said
  3. let's make a bet on the 30fps, Sub 720p avg frame rate for a fighting game.... you down?
  4. Metacritic straight bodied XB1 2018 "Microsoft failed to offer a compelling case to pick up an Xbox One rather than another console in 2018...... there wasn't a single game exclusive to Xbox One alone that received positive reviews from critics. 2017 The total of Xbox One exclusives receiving positive reviews in 2017? A mere one.
  5. read it and weep...Switch had the highest percentage of good games and the largest number of good games Reality is not your friend. "The Switch had the highest percentage of positively reviewed releases—not just the largest total of good games. Nearly 44% of Switch releases had green Metascores (reflecting approval from professional critics), compared to about 41% for Xbox" 
  6. and then reality hit DynamiteCop like a ton of Bricks. Lets see what Metacritic had to say about the number of good games released. Metacritic - Switch "The Switch had the highest percentage of positively reviewed releases—not just the largest total of good games. Nearly 44% of Switch releases had green Metascores (reflecting approval from professional critics), compared to about 41% for Xbox" Xbox1. "Microsoft failed to offer a compelling case to pick up an Xbox One rather than another console i
  7. All those bangers who listed for years on XB1... they all. flopped or got canceled. Forced you to become a Hermit
  8. Jonb1's butt buddy comes to his defense. Guile Gear is literally one of JonB's favorite franchises...... Unfortunately they abandoned XB1... so he was forced to become a PC gamer..... after making fun of PC gamers for over a decade.... Karma is a bitch.
  9. Just is just as bad as crying about women in muh vidjagames
  10. another sweetie thread?
  11. Ah I see you are pulling out the Giuliani card... After two years of denying the campaign did any wrong doing. They're straight up admitting it now... Giuliani - "I never said there was no collusion between the campaign or between people in the campaign... .
  12. DynamiteCop - "Bbbut I was pretending to contradict myself over and over and over"
  13. the only person you trapped is yourself. Not matter where you run, you still get owned. You ran to Meta... you still got owned. You counted it as two, you still got owned. Now if we go by the board standards of GS. You Still got owned. and If we count it as one game at GS. You still got owned.
  14. No retard. It means you're contradicting yourself with your own circular logic.
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