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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Actually that's a picture of the Rich riding you. You get 20 miles to the REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  2. And lets be honest. We all know that the actual ACTIVE userbase, and by active I mean somebody who actually has an Xbox One hooked up to their TV and they play at least one game a year, so I'm talking about a low-ass bar here.........we know that the active userbase is NOT 41 million. We know this because that 41 million number is for all XBO launch versions, all XBO S, and XBO X. The people bought launch versions either bought an S and ditched the launch version, or they bought an X. And there have to be a group of Xbox One S buyers who immediately turned a
  3. He doesn't know how to get out of it. So all he does is REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  4. You do understand that you just typed that I am unable to make money on you. Which means, you just said you don't have any money to people to take. Looks like he just self-REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE'd himself.
  6. Little too late to change your story, after you just admitted it. No use in trying to REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE your way out of this. LOL
  8. So I was pretty much correct. When Dynocrap was losing his shit trying to tell me that it passed 40 million way early in 2018. How many of those were Taco Bell giveaways? In terms of PURCHASED Xbox Ones, its probably still under 40 million.
  9. he keeps on admitting it types about a couple of hundred posts screaming about poor people. ends up admitting he is one at the very end.
  10. he actually admitted it, which puts him in the same boat Thank you, ghosts
  11. Guess that'd be you since you were complaining when insurance rates when up. Thanks for the admission, ghosts
  12. Notice how Ghosts magically seems to mis-read and mis-interpret people's posts...........at rather SPECIFIC times during an argument. Almost like as if he needs a Deus Ex Machina in order to get out of a jam, so he just goes ahead and pretends that you typed something else, and argues off of that.
  13. Ah, so people who have money and women tend to scream alot and meltdown on internet forums. Interesting.
  14. Guess he's telling me from experience.
  15. Lord have mercy, can you imagine the software sales when actual main Pokemon games come out. And then the people holding out on buying one until Metroid and Bayonetta come out.
  16. Its amazing how ghosts questions the pay rate for middle-class workers. But he has absolutely no questions over the pay rate of millionaires and billionaires. Carrying that water. I've talked about this before. Suckers have been TAUGHT......it didn't come naturally, this was actually TAUGHT to them. They have been taught to hate downwards. If you are in the 80% that only holds 7% of the nation's wealth, and you are fighting the other 80%........then you're a sucker. Its very simple. If the Rich are getting 93% of the wealt
  17. If he's projectin'.........then I may be legally held liable for anything he does to himself.. Keep watchin'.
  18. If I don't make that bet...........that means you don't prove your point and have already lost the argument. If I won, why would I need to do anything after that? You're the one that needs to redeem their argument, not me.
  19. And you still haven't proved ANY of it. LOL, what was it.........you were going to speak with customer service again. Like a year ago.
  20. Its become obvious that Ghosts really DOES NOT KNOW how certain things work, especially if they are related to money and industry. He continually told me that, through HIS JOB, they offered him health insurance that was SO GOOD and SO CHEAP. And Obamacare fucked it up. before Obamacare, Ghosts had health insruance, not HMO, not some ridiculously barebones healthcare..........but full-featured health insurance that had ZERO-DOLLAR DEDUCTIBLE. That's right, he paid no deductible in the event that he had a healthcare need. And that insurance policy cost him les
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