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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. fuck, i gotta get in on that. I don't think i'll find a friend available to watch that movie with me, so I will just drop into a theater right now and go see it.
  2. No I've worked at the same company for over 10 years. I work in the front office of a small manufacturing company that makes basic wafer handling robotics for the Semiconductor industry.
  3. LOL...……...so you just admitted to following me for ten years? And you complain about other posters on your nuts...……...imagine for 10 years, LOL Nice admission there.
  4. No, not really. I have a decent job that afford me to post here at my leisure. I love how he's fishing so hard. And what does that mean for somebody like ghost who's doing this off his phone. LOL
  5. LOL, I love how I've woken up jonb out of his coma. He's always good for this about every 3-4 months. Ends the same way, too.
  6. what does that say remij? I like how other people are getting thrown under the bus in an attempt to try and get at me. LOL its like you're all tripping over yourselves, as I sit here and do absolutely nothing.
  7. LOL, you don't know what you just admitted to, do you? Its amazing, because I'm not saying anything to the mods...………...the mods are just naturally noticing you. Knowing you...…….you're not gonna realize that early enough.
  8. the guy who responds to me off of his phone is laughing at others for posting too much. LOL
  9. Except all I said is that this video HELPS her narrative. Tell me how that statement IS actually wrong? I didn't say that this video makes HER RIGHT, and HER GENERAL CLAIM RIGHT? Did I? You guys want to keep arguing the subject, in general...………..and you don't have all the information to that. I am arguing the aspect that the video makes her claim look believable enough to make the business look bad. There is something wrong with you guys getting this worked up, when I am not even saying that you are wrong.
  10. You are. You literally responded to me post which was POSING A SPECIFIC QUESTION...………...and tried asking another question altogher. You...……..you're the one who changed the topic. lol
  11. Be sure to include one where people have gotten butthurt. I really am impressed why how I probably get more direct, personal insults in this forum, and don't remotely hold it against anybody. Just one of the many moral superiorities that I like to enjoy.
  12. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you just ran away from my question. And you wonder why I treat you like a person who avoids things. LOL
  13. I love how you don't want to argue this topic and resort to talking about me as quickly as possible. LOL, you're just trying to see if other people can help get you over the hump, here. Since you clearly can't do it.
  14. He just realize he failed reading comprehension...…...yet again. LOL He's now going to run away from his OWN claim. Watch as I try to direct him back to his comment, and he runs away.
  15. Except I didn't say that...………..did I? Go read it again. LOL, I love how ghost is truly that stupid.
  16. Ask the independent business owner who has to judge their incoming business with managing their worker's hours. The plain fact of the matter is that they are not doing a good job looking like a store that's closing...…..and that HELPS that black lady's narrative. Whether you think that's accurate or misleading.
  17. lol come to dingleberry off of new people? Well, I can safely say that they are upgrades over ghost.
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