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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Let's look at the metacritic scores for this Tomb Raider: ImpulseGamer GameSpew XboxTavern.........................did I just fucking type XboxTAVERN???? App Trigger MondoXbox Video Chums............ SomosXbox....................SomosXBOX???? ......and you are calling the rest of us idiots????
  2. The only person stupid enough to vote for metacritic was........................... you guessed it, Dynocrap.
  3. When the Lemcels inevitably say "we weren't hyping this as a big deal on Xbox"
  4. Holy shit, the game just straight-up flopped. I was just checking the metacritic scores. And the only gaming websites that have ANYTHING approaching actual credibility are GamingTrend and IGN scoring it a 9.0 And then there's other websites from former IGN/Gametrailers employees scoring it about an 8.5/8.0 And from there on out, the only credible websites are GameInformer with 7.5 and it just sinks lower and lower. Metacritic has turned into absolute garbage, look at these websites. SomosXbox???????? Dafuq is that? That's
  5. Its a sequel to a game that was BRIEFLY an Xbox exclusive. Do you realize how pathetic that is. That's like trying to hang out with a guy because he's fucking your ex-girlfriend and you're hoping to smell her pussy on his dick. #lemcels
  6. Drone attacks, not breaking the banks and watering down Glass-Steagall, and yes their policy on whistleblowers. There are plenty of Jon Stewart, John Oliver segments in which they skewer Obama for practically being a Republican on these issues.
  7. They need to build the wall out of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, because these cucks sure as hell can't get over them.
  8. It seems obvious that this guy wants to parade right-wing talking points..........and that talking only exists to insinuate that Barack Obama has favoritism towards Islam. Which isn't true. He's explained his logic plenty of times before:
  9. None of would be stupid enough to make predictions about CERTAIN MODES in Forza Horizon. LOL
  10. Its obvious that Sony gave them some proper funding, and they must have assisted them with the motion capture and the facial capture, because I am seeing Sony first party games just have superior facial animations that remain a step above everybody else. Sony looks organized. They have helped raise Insomniac's profile here. Microsoft better start producing some better games. And Crackdown 3 better impress, and have ULTRA levels of polish. Or else, there are some real problems with Microsoft Gaming.
  11. So another Dynocrap prediction ends up being completely wrong. You know what's going to happen..........in some thread in the near future, somebody is going to say something along the lines of "here goes Dyno and another one of his predictions that will turn out wrong" And Dyno will ATTEMPT to play stupid and pretend he doesn't know what they are talking about...........even though we are right here, clearly talking about that very thing. Dyno will do that little smiley to try and get out of it.
  12. I like Ciri, I get that she must have some DNA relation to Geralt and that she is a perfect combination of half-Witcher, half-Witch There could be some magical event where a Wizard zapped her and combined her with some dark creature, and BAM, black Ciri background story is explained.
  13. Nope. I said the were fantasy in the previous sentence. That was quick. LOL
  14. LOL this is like the internet version of people freaking out over black football players kneeling. I don't give a shit what Ciri is. This Polish folklore product is for my entertainment..........it being Polish matters nothing to me, because I see it as a pure fantasy product. Its got dwarves, and witches, and elves. Like I'd give a shit about which fantasy people's skin color should be. "technically, the Scoi'a'tel harkens from the heavily wooded areas of the South, and their skin should be a lightly glazed tan"
  15. Alright, so that means that Microsoft's exclusivity being removed allowed development to improve, now that they are expecting a real userbase of gamers to buy the game. Larger userbase = more money invested for development = graphics upgrade. Lemmings, you can thank the PS4 for that.
  16. At the time, the Spiderman cartoon had not come out yet (I believe), because that wouldn't come out until after Batman TAS and the X-men cartoon. So, I never read any comic books, so my knowledge of Spiderman was very basic. But, I distinctly remember the SNES games of Spiderman having absolutely kick-ass titles. Like I thought they were really grown-up sounding names for video games. Spiderman/Venom: Maximum Carnage. And the commercial had spiderman look up, and there was this gigantic Spiderman-looking creating that was bigger than the size of the building
  17. How about this. If the poster who creates the thread puts [SAFE SPACE] in all caps in the title of their post..........then I will honor that and won't do anything other than engage in serious discussion, if I chose to post in that thread. So......for moderately admitting something embarrassing, in exchange you get an all-serious discussion If the OP breaks that rule within his own thread, then its no longer a safe space. And if the OP purposely abuses that in order to create bait threads, then they get banned for a period of time. Seems fair, right?
  18. I think you need to read the last sentence of my post, and then see your first sentence in your response. Should chosen your words more carefully. LOL But don't worry, I know a perfect way to get out of this................just continue to play dumb SOME MORE and pretend that you don't know what I am talking about. Its definitely gonna work.
  19. Thanks for admitting that about yourself. LOL I love how he just now realized what he was getting into, and pulled out of it. Saw that one coming.
  20. He's now fast-tracking his way into getting his own thread locked. I can see it now. He pretends that its other people's fault, even though he is personally responsible for grinding his own thread to a halt because he wanted to address people saying they "don't care." LOL
  21. I love how he's now trying to take commonly used descriptive terminologies and trying to make literal arguments out of them. Its obvious the he knows that he has nowhere to go except to pretend to play dumber and dumber.The great part is how he's entering the very thing that I enjoy doing most.
  22. You're not going out on a limb. You're trying to hide UNDER a rock and pretend you aren't. No one is buying it. We already know you "got" the joke, you're just trying to bog everything down because you think that actually "helps" your defense of the Xbox. Think about how sad that strategy is, for a second.
  23. Ah, so we need to shit on it with MORE effort, then? Good thinking.
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