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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Vini

  1. Some impressions from the intro Great characters Slow burn pace might turn off ADD gamers I like Arthur so far. He can be hilarious The graphics are and physics are unbelievable I still can't warp my head around this running on current gen consoles The world is almost overwhelming with how much you can interact with it Love the hunting and stealth mechanics Gonna jump back in
  2. I guarantee you haven't read this in context https://samharris.org/to-profile-or-not-to-profile/
  3. Sweet gonna watch this I know Sam and Maajid had a fallout with Pangburn over his shady business practices this must be a few months ago
  4. Yea no hooks, it's a slow burn. It has a lot more RPG elements than the first game and they're surprisingly in depth but the realism isn't that bad. You get hungry and need to bathe but that's about it. Hunger takes care of itself since food gives you health and stamina anyway
  5. It's Red Dead, there's gonna be a lot of horse riding and talking.
  6. Long drawn out intro but introduces all the mechanics well. I like the gang though and the characters
  7. Fired it up, this is awesome more games should have this
  8. Gamestop 9pm release Still fuckin installing lmao
  9. Yea I got tomorrow and Saturday night for halloween parties and bar crawls. Gonna need some energy drinks cause it's RDR time all night tonight and all day tomorrow.
  10. Yea I'm gonna try the app for sure mainly to avoid having to pause to go to the map.
  11. Delete if unnecessary Package secured you savages Now off to install it for 5 hours
  12. Who needs a texture pack when they blurred all the textures on the PS4
  13. Vini


    Butt meet hurt
  14. Let's take a moment to appreciate the physics in this clip ReadyMindlessAmbushbug-mobile.mp4
  15. That the game was gonna be a masterpiece? Damn right
  16. Man children sheep secretly rooting for PS4 cause they ran out of kiddy mascot exclusives
  17. Lemmings gonna be winning for the rest of the gen it's only gonna get worse from here Sony's gonna rush the PS5 to the market and give Xbox plenty of time to deliver better hardware
  18. My Movie.mp4 Look at the textures on grass and mountains
  19. Native 4k vs 1440p. Frame drops on PS4 pro vs Rick solid on 1x TCHBO
  20. https://www.metacritic.com/browse/games/score/metascore/year/all/filtered?sort=desc Highest rated game of the year. Certified BANGER. Xbox version is currently sitting at 98%
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